Opening Video: The Unforgettable Moments of the First
999 Episodes
features most memorable
moments, special guests through the years;
features some downlights
(Vince on the Montreal Screwjob, Edge and Rick Flair's retirements, Eddie
Raw running weekly
continuously since January 11, 1993
Good: good start, pumping adrenaline to the crowd;
Bad: none
Mr. McMahon starts of the show
Mr. McMahon struts down
the ring and thanks WWE Universe; WWE Universe responds with chants of "Thank
you Vince! Thank you Vince!"
Mr. McMahon welcomes the
WWE Universe to Monday Night Raw and welcomes DX;
Degeneration X kicks off the Raw 1000; Damien Sandow
interrupts DX
Shawn and Triple H hits
the ring; Shawn cuts short their pyro;
Shawn Michaels:
"Something's missing..." underwear check, pants check, tshirt
check, glowsticks check, wristbands
Triple H: "Did there
used to be more of us?" CROWD GOES NUTS!!!!
New Age Outlaws and X-Pac
rolls in on the big jeep and joins Shawn and Triple H in the ring;
The DX Jeep they rode on
is a nod to the DX Invasion of WCW in 27-April-1998, Monday Night Wars;
Triple H: "Shawn
will lose his smile." Ha!
Damien Sandow interrupts
DX; gets Sweet Chin Music and Pedigree and taken out like common trash out of
the ring
DX reunion |
Good: nostalgic and hilarious antics; good to see them back even for one night
Bad: no Chyna (I guess her recent XXX exploits does not fit well with the new
PG era)