Thursday, June 07, 2012

PC Show Loot: Mini Sun Power Saver and Stabilizer

I got this Mini Sun power saver at the PC Show 2012 Day 1 at Suntec.

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"Less 30% electric bill? We'll see in a few months..."

I actually had no intention of buying anything this first round, but it seemed like safe buy. A bit pricey at S$200+, you get a 3 year warranty, H2H Group membership, 90day money back guarantee, and the promise of up to 30% savings in electricity bills. I'm just a sucker for energy saving gizmos! We'll see in the next bill if this thing really works...


  1. Is the Mini Sun product useful and really reduced your electrical bills?

  2. For us, it did. The electricity usage went down significantly after 2 months of plugging in. After that though it's harder to monitor because of so many changes and in consistencies of our usage... Out of town for several weeks, aircon getting busted, fridge left open overnight several times.
