Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Freaky Economics Book!

Wow! There are relatively very few books which deals with ideas, which people would consider unconventional or unorthodox. Things most people would feel uncomfortable with.

Well, unlike the other unorthodox books that I like, this one does not deal with religion or morality -- such as the trilogy of Robert Greene, and books dealing with the Gospel of Judas, Mary Magdalene and the like -- this one deals with the world economy. The topic is "closer" to the real world so it should appeal to more people, unlike the books dealing with the topics stated above.

Freaknomics (by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner) is a great read for people who want to explore the world from a different angle or point of view. Many of the questions asked here are radical questions; those which a typical person would not normally think of asking. But once you get down to it, these questions make a really good sense and forces you to think of the world in a different light.

Here's a simple question asked in the first chapter of the book: What do school teachers and Sumo wrestlers have in common? Would you believe that the answer is..... CHEATING??? Yeah well, that got me stumped the first time I read it, so don't be surprised if you're stumped as well. The chapter discusses about "incentives"; what makes people do or not do something; what keeps people to be honest; what forces people to cheat. Ahh...now your brain is now processing this info... now we're getting somewhere... :)

If you decide to read it and you are inclined towards the subject, have a great fun reading it! I'm down to chapter 4 within the first two days I started reading it!

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