Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Top 10 Things I Learned from Avenue Q

It's the simple, little things where you learn a lot about life. The simple comedy of Avenue Q has depth and value; real-hard truths. Who said we can't learn anything from comedy? :)

The Top Ten Things I Learned from Avenue Q:

10: Schadenfreude, a German term for "happiness at the misfortune of others" is a common trait of many people, not just Germans; that's why there are people you love to hate.

9: Everyone is a racist in their own way; just different degrees and different steroetypes.

8: Don't leave an important note for someone to somebody you don't know or trust. Geez, use your cellphone! Or the internet!

7: Any object (regardless of size, shape, and density) dropped from high altitudes may be fatal. So lookout! And don't throw anything when you're way up there!

6: There's life outside your apartment. When you're depressed, don't sulk; get out there and have fun!

5: Be thankful for people who accept you for who you are, whether you're straight, gay, bisexual, or whatever; they are your real friends.

4: You may think your life sucks, but there's someone else whose life sucks more than you; so cheer up!

3: There's a fine line between lover and friend, between reality and pretend, between love and a waste of time. (Just listen to the song; it's pretty straightforward.)

2: You can earn millions from Internet porn; it's only a matter of how. In the midst of economic turmoil, there will always be people who would go for porn. It's up to you if you want to take advantage of it. :))

1: You may or may not know your purpose, but that should not stop you from living your life. Everything in life is only for now; so don't waste it.

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