Monday, October 13, 2008

To do list for the last 10 days of work... and after

Ten more days and officially I'm unemployed again. It's not a necessarily a bad thing...

I needed a break anyway. After the insane work coupled with some not-so-helpful and I-will-drag-you-down-with-me colleagues, I few weeks relaxing is exactly just what I need.

Of course, I can't help wondering what to do next. After a while, a few weeks of doing nothing but relaxing will slowly become depressing... Been there, done that; Longest time I was unemployed was about three months...

Anyway, aside from the important to-do things (like tying up loose ends and, uhm, looking for work!), I've been thinking it over for some time and here's what I've come up so far:

  • Study for certification. In my previous job, all of us aimed for it for better compensation. The only thing holding us back was money; paying USD150 for a single exam is not exactly cheap. Since moving here, though, I guess we have more than enough to pursue this. Just need enough time to study and brush up on some topics.

  • Lose weight... a lot of it. Desk jobs tend to build up fat. I still do some legwork, but not enough to keep my weight down. The place is great here; very wide and very clean -- at least until some residents start picnicking and litter the whole place. 'Might as well enjoy the view while jogging or whatnot. :) I'm targetting, for now, to lose 1kg per week. After I get the hang of it, I'll go for more until I get my ideal weight.

  • Learn to cook. Since getting the Iron Chef episodes again, our desire to cook was rekindled. They're just too fun to watch. It's amazing what dishes they can whip up. I just hope I don't eat to much or I will never lose my excess weight.

  • DIY stuff.There are some projects which I've always wanted to do but couldn't because of work. With it out of the way, I quess I have more than enough time to do them. I've been going through stores like Daiso (where everything is sold for 2sgd) for some items I can use. Oh, well, I better straighten out my DIY project list first. :))

  • Finish a game.I've played many games, but I seldom finish one. When the game is extremely long, the tendency is to forget about it after some time. Yep, work gets in the way! :)) Maybe I'll finish up Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I'm halfway through the main quest anyway, so I might as well finish it up.

  • Blog! Haven't blog for a while now. Hence, the post. :))Got that writer's block going -- I guess I'm too jaded at work, I can't think straight. :))

That's what I have for now. Any other ideas how I can waste my time? :))

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