Saturday, October 03, 2009

House M.D. Quotes - Season 6 Episode 1 - Broken

Dr. House: Wow! And he's BLACK.. 'Thought you'd be a little more sensitive to the slavery issue.

Dr. House: I AM a lot better. No painkillers. No hallucinations. Leg hurts but it's manageable. Great job! I'll miss you. I wanna start missing you as soon as possible.

Dr. Nolan: Your issues run deeper than vicodin.

Dr. House: Well that's not gonna cheer me up, is it?

Dr. House: Oh! I'm sorry. Suicide taboo? Gosh, I've broken a rule on my first day. I will KILL myself.

Dr. Beasley: Ready to play nice?

Dr. House: Would you believe me if I said yes?

Dr. Beasley: No.

Dr. House: Then YES.

Dr. Beasley: Why don't you put the plan on hold for a few days, see what happens. Just let me do my job. If you prefer private to group, we can do that. Maybe try some SSRIs. If you think that's not working, you can always go back to your schemes.

Dr. House: God, if only you said that two minutes ago. Before I came up with my new scheme. Now I'm committed. Ha get it!

Dr. House: Are you ignoring me, or are you just letting my charm wash over you?

Alvie: Thinking sucks.

Dr. House: I see you've got some cello on your trunk... No, it's not a euphemism

Lydia: Are you spying on me?

Dr. House: I'm living in a psychiatric hospital. Staring out the window is what we do.

House: And who's going to carry you when you carry the cello?

Dr. House: Yes, cast aside the useless cripple. How very German of you.

Lydia: Am I somehow a bad person for showing compassion?

Dr. House: No. You're not even a bad person if you're lying about what you're doing in here.

<After Steve falls from the carpark building.>
Dr. House: I need help.

Dr. House: Van Gogh is your patient. He's satisfied painting houses instead of starry night.

Alvie: They broke you.

Dr. House: They didn't break me. I AM broken. Stop worshipping me and start worrying about your own loser life.

Dr. House: I take advantage of my friends... Friend... I only got one...

Dr. House: I did connect with one guy. My propensity for screwing things up overtook me. My desire to have fun overcame my propensity.

Dr. Nolan: Why do you think that people would treat you worse if they know the truth?

Lydia: What you did was misguided... and irresponsible. But it was also nice. You gave him a moment of pure happiness.

Dr. Nolan: Why do you value your failures more than your successes?

Dr. House: My mother caught me masturbating. Pictures of her mother...

Dr. House: Successes only last until someone screws them up. Failures are forever.

Dr. Nolan: So you accept that fact? You accept that there's nothing you can do.

Dr. Nolan:
You acknowledge failure and you move past it. You apologize.

Dr. House: Wow. Powerful things these apologies. For someone to jump off the building and say two words and you go on with your life. Hardly seems fair.

Dr. Nolan: Is that the issue? You caused him pain. If the world is just, you have to suffer equally? You're not God, House. You're just another screwed up human being who needs to move on. Apologize to him. Let yourself feel better. Then you can learn to let yourself keep feeling better.

Dr. Nolan: Two things just happened. You got hurt, which means you got connected to someone else strongly enough to miss them. And more important, you recognize the pain and came to talk to me instead of hiding from it in the vicodin bottle. The fact that you're hurting and you came here, the fact that you're taking your meds, and we're talking right now... Come inside and get some sleep. Tomorrow you can say your goodbyes.

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