Tuesday, October 27, 2009

House M. D. Quotes - Season 6 Episode 5 - Brave Heart

Dr. James Wilson: Oh God! I'll be back in ten!

Dr. Gregory House: I'm picking lint out of my bellybutton.

Dr. Gregory House: You didn't want me to sleep where you and Amber slept. After she died, you converted the study a bedroom, the bedroom to a study. Except it's not a study, it's a shrine.

Dr. James Wilson: I'm not ready to transition from my dead girlfriend's shrine to your... morning glory. I'll have the mattresses delivered and set up for you in a tabernacle. I just need it Tuesdays for animal sacrifices.

Dr. Allison Cameron-Chase: Patient's a genetic timebomb.

Dr. Gregory House: There's no fuse. It's not a bomb. Right now he isn't a patient either.

Dr. Eric Foreman: You saying we ignore three generations of cardiac problems?

Dr. Gregory House: I'm not ignoring it. I'm labelling it a coincidence.

Dr. Gregory House: He's only agreeing with you because he wants to have sex with you. And by the way, I agree with you, too. Especially in those pants.

Dr. Lisa Cuddy: I need to know what your plans are.

Dr. Gregory House: First we take Berlin. Then we circle around behind Poland and yell surprise.

Dr. Robert Chase: I've crossed some line that I'm having trouble getting back to the other side.

Dr. Gregory House: Now I've done it! There's urine everywhere! Gosh! Great thing about the teacher-student relationship is that the teacher can often learn more from the student... Have you learned anything yet?

Dr. Gregory House: Great contributions back there.

Dr. Robert Chase: There's no case. I have nothing to add.

Dr. Gregory House: You've a little devil on your shoulder told you to kill a guy. And you've got a little angel won't shut up. Telling you, you're going to burn in a lake of fire.

Dr. Robert Chase: I'm fine!

Dr. Gregory House: You shouldn't be! Talk to someone. Docs fixed me up in 7 weeks. You're... 10 minutes, tops.

Dr. Eric Foreman: Whatever it is, we all missed it.

Dr. Gregory House: I missed the fact that there is something to miss. What is wrong with me.

Dr. Gregory House: Quick cut to the moenyshot. It's his heart. So let's look at his heart...

Dr. Eric Foreman: You can't perform an autopsy without a medical license.

Dr. Gregory House: Really? 'Coz I don't think there's anything I could screw up that we hadn't already screwed up...

Dr. Gregory House: I had some dental work done in the Philippines when I was a kid. Adjoining metal fillings can corrode, pick up AM radio signals...

Dr. Anne Ayala: I can only tell you that you're hearing things as you should. If you're also hearing sounds you shouldn't, well that would be psychosis. You'd have to talk to someone who does the brain. I only do ears.

Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Bravo! It's amazing how you did a hundred and twenty hours in one day!

Dr. James Wilson: If you need to talk. If you need more help. I'm right here.

Dr. Gregory House: Great. can you be right here somewhere else?

Dr. Gregory House: You know.

Dr. James Wilson: That you're an ass? Yeah. You overheard me talking to my dead girlfriend and thought to yourself "Hmmm... What kind of fun can I have with this?"

Dr. Gregory House: Why are you talking to her? You run out of living people? You can talk to me. I'm right here.

Dr. James Wilson: I miss her. Talking to her makes me feel better. You don't.

Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Either you did have a problem, which I can't ignore. Or you were jerking me around, which I can't ignore.

Dr. Gregory House: You're a woman. You can do anything.

Marta: No wonder she hates him.

Nona: Mmm. That's not hate. It's foreplay.

Dr. Gregory House: Are you getting some help? Or is this how things are gonna be from now on? You know what's pathetic is you haven't gotten help because you want to feel bad. You want to suffer. 'Coz if you feel guilty, then you're not a psychopath. Patient needs some carbonazapine. Now, I don't care how much that room scares you. You're doing your job.

Dr. Robert Chase: Why? Tell me what's sacred about a dictator that kills hundreds of thousands of his own people?

Priest: What is sacred of a doctor who kills a patient?

Priest: You can't have absolution without first taking responsibility.

Dr. Gregory House: Good. I thought it was because of the sexual tension.

Dr. Lisa Cuddy: There is no sexual tension.

Dr. Gregory House: There was tension and... it made me feel funny, so...

Donny: How do I know you're still not lying to me? Saying I'm healthy so I just feel better?

Dr. Gregory House: It does sound that way, doesn't it? But this time, no sugar pills. I'm gonna cut into your brain to make you think that I'm fixing it. And if our fake test confirms, I'm gonna be cutting into you son's brain, too, 'coz I'm just that committed?

Dr. Gregory House: That's what I thought. The "saving-the-kid-from-pain" stuff was crap. You just don't want anything in your life that won't let you do whatever the hell you wanna do whenever the hell you wanna do it. You've had it easy. Sorry to screw you up.

Dr. James Wilson: You see? He really is getting better.

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