Wednesday, September 24, 2008

House M.D. - Season 5 Episode 1 Quotes

With the start of a new season, here are some quotes from the season premiere:

Dr. House: I thought she said "I am suddenly and irrationally defending the patients strong career even though in reality she's just a glorified grunt because I'm trying to convince myself that it's okay not to have a life because I don't have a life because I have been tested for Huntington's and my lifespan's been cut in half. [pause] Been waiting two months for her to say that.

Dr. House: My patient is still fighting in effeminist trenches but the war is over. Yesterday's sluts are today's empowered women. Today's sluts are celebrities, if that isn't progress...

Lou: You're making excuses for me?

Dr. Hadley: I'm just saying it's understandable..

Lou: Only have to understand something if it needs an explanation. I have needs. I met my needs. End of explanation.

Dr. Wilson: I'd need a flowchart to explain all the ways in which that was ridiculously insensitive.

Dr. House: People get what they get. It's got nothing to do with what they deserve.And this is nothing to do with her genitalia and everything to do with your genetics.

Dr. House: People DIE. You, Amber, everyone. Don't act like you just figured that out... I gave you a diagnosis. You don't like it, there are exits on every floor.

Dr. Hadley: ...We can have anything..

Lou: No we can't. We can aspire to anything, but we don't get it just because we want it. I would rather spend my life close to the birds than waste it wishing I had wings.

Dr. House: I like you better now that you're dying.

Dr. House: Almost dying changes nothing... Dying changes everything...

Dr. Wilson: You spread misery because you can't feel anything else. You manipulate people because you can't handle any kind of real relationship. And I've enabled it. For years, the games, the binges, the middle of the night phonecalls...

I should have been on the bus, not... You should have been alone on the bus. If I've learned anything from Amber, it's that I have to take care of myself.

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