Thursday, November 15, 2007

Astonishing X-Men 23: Bravo!

Before we continue, SPOILER WARNING! (I won't actually tell you how it went down, but just as well, since I've included the last scene of the issue, if you don't wanna see it yet, stop reading now.)

Just read the latest Astonishing X-Men issue, #23! And it's a "wow" issue, although I was left hanging and I can't wait for the next issue!

Finally, Cyclops is given the spotlight that he deserves. Move over Logan, it's Cyke's time to shine! Hehehe... Having apparentlylost his mutant power, this issue highlights the tactics and foresight of Cyclops -- which, in the words of Wolverine himself, reminds us why he's "been leader of the X-Men for so long" (Astonishing X-Men vol 3 #8).

Basically, he plays the "gambit" (no pun intended), setting the stage to sacrifice himself and to be captured by his enemies. Then just as he appears to be helpless, he blasts the living daylights out of them. Looks like Cyclops no longer needs those visors to control his optic blasts.

Here's the last scene from this issue:

Nuff said!

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