Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The April Fool!

How fitting is it, that today is April Fool's Day and I feel that I've just been made a fool of?

It's him! The pasa-loader once again! It's not enough that he's not here to take responsibility for a task he screwed up, now I have to pick up the pieces and I have to fix everything while being under a microscope...

The pasa-loader's task (another SSL certificate installation) was submitted about three weeks ago, and the servers needing that certificate need it by tomorrow for testing. So NATURALLY, the server admin only complained today, the day before the testing day. This server admin, complaining that task was submitted weeks before, escalated the issue to his boss. Now his boss is "making noise" (as what they call it) to our boss (i.e., boss of pasa-loader and me).

Now, since pasa-loader is on sick leave for two weeks now (some form of measles or something), guess who takes the heat? Come on, three guesses only, don't be shy. Take a guess... Yep, yours truly. Soooooo...................................

Here I come to save the day!
(mighty mouse and friends, are on their way... hehehe)

So that's what I've been doing since this morning until just about half an hour ago... I didn't even have time to eat breakfast. Oh well... I resolved it eventually but it was extremely stressful... It's cold in the office (aircon was set to 22 degrees C), but I didn't feel it at all. Actually, I felt sweat beading on my forehead and on my back. I had a monster headache while trying to figure out this damn thing.

Now that I've had some time to sit down and ponder on the events this morning, here are a few things that have been bugging me:

(1) Why is it that every time pasa-loader takes a vacation or sick leave, we get in trouble? It's like he always has a surprise for us whenever he's not around; unfinished and long overdue tasks, irate clients, admins and/or bosses, things like that...

(2) Since the afformentioned task is three-weeks old, why did no one (the pasa-loader or the server admin) test it then? Why wait until the DAY BEFORE the deadline to do the test? It's THEIR responsibility to test it. Now this friggin' service admin has the gall to complain?

Damn bastard!

Whoops sorry... Slipped out... I'm not angry... *chanting while jumping* I'm in a happy place... I'm in a happy place... I'm in a happy place... I'm in a happy place.......

(3) Is it coincidence that today is April Fools Day? I mean really... Why do I feel duped? It's as if this was a big setup? Like they planned this big friggin' problem and dump this on me on this very specific day?

Well whatever... It's fixed. It's done.

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