The only main activity was the family dinnerout -- originally, it was supposed to be a lunchout. But my sister and her husband had some business to attend to the whole day. So I rescheduled it for a dinner out in one of the restaurants in Santana grove. Later, when big brother and hios family came, I learned that my dad is already tired of going to Santana Grove. It turns out that the only places that he goes to are his home and the Shopwise-Santana grove area. So I changed the plan again to dinnerout at Dencio's in Brittany Bay. It's not far and we have a scenic view of the Laguna Bay. Also, it was Earth Day. We thought it would be cool to see the lights going out in the landscape -- assuming that people actually "vote for the earth" by switching off their lights for one hour. :) We'll just have to wait and see.
Like I said, big bro is here again, as per their usual routine during Saturdays: 8AM badminton in the subdivision plaza; 10AM visit dad until afterlunch. Had a good time with everyone. I just learned that my niece was a greenbelter in Karate! Geez, and she's been doing this she's 6! Wow! I'm so proud. She's the youngest in the Karate class -- no big surprise -- and I'm happy that she was able to do something that I always wanted to do myself. :) Well, too late for me I guess, but it's good to know that at least one in the family knows one form of martial arts. :)
The rest of the afternoon, I'm tyring to watch all the TV I can get. Jack TV. HBO. Star Movies. Basically channels that we don't have in our Singapore flat. Just learned that Jimmy Fallon replaced Conan O'Brien in Late Night. Don't want to compare but I like Conan much better than Jimmy. Sorry, just my personal opinion. Just have to wait I guess until June 1st, when Conan replaces Jay Leno in the Tonight Show.
7PM came and we were off to Dencio's in Brittany Bay. It's one of those rare occasions when everyone is present and accounted for before we all go out. Normally, either my brother's family or my sister's will arrive to the venue late. This time, all of us are here and we all went together at the same time. Nice change actually. :)
Not sure what to buy, we simply went for the Graduation Special Promo there: for php 3,000, we get a complete meal set for 10 people. We took Set B.
Then the promo also stated that for every purchase of the special promo, you get a Crispy Pata (worth about php400+).
Since there were only 8 of us, we were not really expecting to finish off all of the served foods. Which can only be good news for our doggies back home! :))
BTW, the restaurant is actually Pugad Dencio's. Didn't get why that is at first, but it became obvious the moment we came inside. According to my brother, Pol Medina Jr. -- creator of Pugad Baboy -- is either a stockholder or co-owner of this particular branch of Dencio's. The paper placemats contain some comic strips, much to the enjoyment of my niece and nephew.
We came home very late -- maybe 1130-ish, and I was all groggy. I had to sleep now since I need to be early for tomorrow's events...
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