Since last week, we've read news about the fishkill in the Taal Lake area, Batangas. Whether it's due to climate change/global warming or overcrowding is anybody's guess. To many, this is a bit too weird, thinking fish could actually drown in water.
So many tons of wasted milkfish. Just hope that the carcass of these dead fish is put to good use... Or at the very least disposed of properly.
Anyway, many are caught up in this, linking it to different issues from the RH Bill (overcrowding) to the end of times. At any rate, feel free to check the news article here.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
The first "Can" Glass: GREEN
Thursday, May 26, 2011
House M. D. Quotes - Season 7 Episode 23 - Moving On
Officer Soltes: These domestic situations, it's not uncommon to get cold feet.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Are you asking me to file charges? Just give me the paperwork. If Greg House steps foot in my hospital again, comes anywhere near me, I want him thrown in jail.
Dr. Remy Hadley: I'm surprised he approved it. I'm more surprised you actually asked.
Dr. Gregory House: I do things like that now. I'm making some changes… like skipping ahead to minute 37.
Dr. Robert Chase: I'm not gonna watch a woman get set on fire.
Dr. Gregory House: Philistine.
Dr. Eric Foreman: You forgot about the fourth symptom — being completely crazy.
Dr. Remy Hadley: One man's crazy is another woman's art. Her work explores things like gender politics and self-image.
Dr. Gregory House: And the pressing issue of shaving your entire body in public while wearing a monkey mask.
Dr. Eric Foreman: I still vote for nuts. We should run a resting-state functional MRI to look for increased activity in the dorsal nexus.
Dr. Gregory House: She's not nuts.
Dr. Robert Chase: The monkey-mask-shaving medium really speaks to you?
Dr. Gregory House: What speaks to me is she's elevated being full of crap to a genuine art form and made a fortune doing it. People that pay 20 grand for one of her video stills, on the other hand, really do need their dorsal nexi checked.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Oh, thank God. The ICU isn't being attacked by giant radioactive spiders.
Dr. Gregory House: Did I text you that? That was meant for my dream journal.
Dr. Gregory House: I wanted to return your stuff. Don't worry. I didn't go AWOL. I had my wife-maid bring it over.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: My sweater, a coffee mug, a half-used bottle of lotion, and a DVD of “Marley & Me.”
Dr. Gregory House: Given your thing for Owen Wilson, I thought you might want those last two back asap.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: I don't get it.
Dr. Gregory House: You masturbate to Owen Wilson.
Dr. Gregory House: Oh. It's a symbolic gesture. I want things to go back to the way they were before we started dating — no more bad feelings, no more issues, just work. Thanks for coming.
Dr. Gregory House: I think I could avoid putting another hole in my leg without talking about my mother.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Well, I don't want to find out you're wrong by getting another phone call from you in a bloody bathtub.
Dr. Gregory House: I'm a big believer that the best way to get past the past is to shoot it in the head, bury it in a deep pit, and pour lye on it.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: I'm just asking you to talk about it. You owe me... Forget about saving your life. You exposed my daughter to that obnoxious pirate cartoon.
Dr. Gregory House: Bring me lunch tomorrow, and we can plumb my depths.
Luca: Afsoun believes explaining her work limits its potential. But between us, he was real and a total dick.
Dr. Eric Foreman: No sane person would let themselves be burned alive for the sake of art.
Afsoun Hamidi: My work is meant to force the audience to break with the rational and see things in a new way.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Fine. No sane person would let themselves be burned alive to "break with the rational."
Dr. Chris Taub: Congratulations. It's a gestational sac. Can't see anything this early.
Julia: Jerry is cute. He's a senior V.P. He kite-surfs in Costa Rica every winter, and he loves his mother.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Seasonally? Or is that just the kite-surfing?
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: What? Like I secretly wish I could alter the laws of the universe, change who we are, and magically make it work out?
Julia: Yes, that's exactly what I'm asking.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: My sarcasm indicated no.
Julia: No, your sarcasm indicated you wanted to avoid actually saying anything.
Dr. Gregory House: The reason Luca couldn't decide what to do in the treatment room is the same as in the gallery. He's been told not to intervene. Congratulations. We've become her latest work of art.
Dr. Remy Hadley: It shouldn't have surprised us. All her work is based on personal traumas. She's had Luca taking notes, videotape her treatments, collect things, like sharps and bandages. It'll all go into a gallery installation.
Dr. Chris Taub: Well, then I guess as long as long as the exploitation is properly motivated, it's all okay.
Dr. Chris Taub: Why are we even discussing this case? She lied to us. It's opening us up to malpractice.
Dr. Gregory House: Our practice opens us up to malpractice.
Dr. Eric Foreman: How do we know she's actually sick?
Dr. Gregory House: Her being sick is a clue.
Dr. Remy Hadley: She would have let him set her on fire because of the honesty of her work. Faking an illness doesn't fit.
Dr. Gregory House: Thirteen's right — at least her conclusion was. Everything else was laughably wrong. If the patient induced pancreatitis and a heart attack, she'd be suicidal.
Dr. Robert Chase: Exactly. She's risking her life all the time.
Dr. Gregory House: Exactly. If she wanted to be dead, she'd be dead a long time ago. Pretending to cheat death pays better than watercolors.
Dr. Gregory House: If you really cared about me, you wouldn't be so obvious when you scheme to prove me wrong. You volunteered because you want to C.T. her lungs, not her biliary tree. You want to find fibrosis and prove your "paint thinner" theory. If I don't come with, when you fail, you'll pretend you never tried. I don't really have a choice, now, do I?
Dr. Gregory House: Since I've seen your paycheck, I probably shouldn't. Canned beans aren't so bad... as long as they're cooked over an oil-drum fire under a bridge with the king of the hobos.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: You stood me up.
Dr. Gregory House: Sorry. Should have scheduled my patient's internal bleeding for Thursday.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: I'm expressing my anger. You should try it. Right now, let's finally have our fight.
Dr. Gregory House: All we do is fight.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: No, all you've done is pull pranks or have temper tantrums with Wilson, never me, marry mail-order prostitutes, make me go to your wedding—
Dr. Gregory House: Wow, I hadn't realized the incredible healing power of lunch.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: I know one conversation isn't gonna solve everything, but it is a start.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: It's a privacy curtain.
Dr. Eric Foreman: It wasn't working.
Dr. Gregory House: She was researching me?
Dr. Eric Foreman: For months. This isn't about creating art in the moment. It's about you. She set you up.
Dr. James Wilson: Knowing him, he'll be in a bar. He'll find one that matches how he feels inside. It'll be the most dark, depressing hole you can find in New Jersey.
Dr. Gregory House: What the hell was the point of this? What personal trauma are you exploiting. I’m... sorry — mining for its artistic potential?
Afsoun Hamidi: My illness. I did the blood doping to intrigue you, but I was already ill.
Luca: Wait. You're really sick?
Dr. Gregory House: Why me?
Luca: Do you know what you have?
Afsoun Hamidi: Yes.
Luca: So tell him.
Afsoun Hamidi: If I do, there won't be any game for him, and then there won't be any art for us.
Dr. Gregory House: You know, there's a lot of games I could play that don't involve dealing with narcissistic, manipulative poseurs.
Afsoun Hamidi: But this is a puzzle tailor-made for you. You don't know which of my symptoms are real, which are fake, which ones I'm not even telling you about. I know that intrigues you. Do you really want to end it now?
Dr. Gregory House: [quietly] No.
Dr. Eric Foreman: This is the new House — half the leg power, twice the irresponsibility?
Dr. Gregory House: The new House is about making my life healthier. Never said anything about yours. Go get her blood.
Dr. Remy Hadley: I'll do it. He's going through a tough patch right now. If this is the distraction he needs to keep him in his hospital bed, I'm sure it's better than any of the alternatives.
Dr. Gregory House: That was incredibly condescending. Did it work?
Dr. Eric Foreman: Why do you keep ducking your wife's calls? I'm sure she just wants to congratulate you about knocking up a 22-year-old nurse.
Afsoun Hamidi: How many projects have we done together? You're always so worried. Have you ever gone wrong trusting me?
Dr. Gregory House: There is another explanation. The reason she didn't react isn't 'cause she wants to die. It's 'cause she knows she can't do anything about it. Whatever she has is fatal. That should narrow it down.
Dr. Gregory House: See that tumor-ish thingamajig near her "brainamabob"?
Luca: Oh, God.
Dr. Gregory House: Are you getting this? Game's over. I won. Primary CNS lymphoma with associated paraneoplastic syndrome.
Afsoun Hamidi: We were having a fling. It wouldn't have been fair to involve you.
Luca: I'm involved now. You just didn't want to open up.
Afsoun Hamidi: Luca, my mind was not clear then.
Dr. Gregory House: ...You realized you could use your death to make your magnum opus. Maybe you wanted to show that no one can cheat death, even an entire team of doctors with unlimited resources. Or maybe your first doctors didn't treat you like a person — just a series of symptoms. You wanted to re-create that depersonalization. And I was the man to see.
Afsoun Hamidi: If that was what I thought, I don't any longer. You spent time with me. You took this personally.
Dr. Gregory House: No, I didn't. And I don't actually think your piece is about anything. I think you just figured out that you're mortal. You're just a bag of cells and waste with an expiration date. You wanted to act out. You wanted people to notice. Maybe you even prayed for a different answer this time. I got a title for your piece — "It Doesn't Mean Anything."
Dr. James Wilson: You're forging my name on prescriptions again.
Dr. Gregory House: No... What you just said implies that I stopped at some point.
Dr. Gregory House: You've chosen this moment to give me crap about my Vicodin use?
Dr. James Wilson: You filled this three days ago. Now it's almost half gone.
Dr. Gregory House: So is my leg.
Dr. Gregory House: Okay. So maybe I am trying to numb myself a little, because I'm trying to change, trying to stop being self-destructive.
Dr. James Wilson: So you can only handle not self-destructing by being self-destructive?
Dr. Gregory House: What do you want from me?
Dr. James Wilson: I don't know how many times I can watch you cut off pieces of yourself. Now it's the ICU, next time it'll be the morgue. You're miserable. And you're angry. And I want you to actually deal with that and not just try to medicate the issue away.
Dr. Gregory House: No. You know what I feel right now? I don't feel miserable or angry. I don't feel good or bad. I feel... nothing... which feels great.
Afsoun Hamidi: Radiation? On my brain? But it made me fuzzy last time. It was harder to work. I am still slowed down from it.
Dr. Gregory House: And it'll get worse. But, you know, dying can also do a number on your ability to think.
Afsoun Hamidi: This is my brain, my work, and my life...
Luca: You have more. This is not some great performance piece anymore. This is just crazy.
Luca: I can't watch you die... not when you can save yourself. Good-bye, Afsoun.
Dr. Gregory House: You think I have unresolved issues, and you are the unresolved issues.
Dr. Gregory House: I did it to fix my life. No, wait. No, I did it because I'm a deeply unhappy person. No–no, I did it to get sympathy from you. I did it to piss you off. I did it because I'm not over you. Or I was over you, and I was moving on. I did it because I wanted to know what it's like not to be in pain. I did it because I want to feel more pain. Whatever the reason, it was a bad reason and a bad idea. That's all that matters. Good lunch.
Afsoun Hamidi: Did I make the wrong choice? Five years, through every opening, every installation, every day and every night, he was there the whole time.
Dr. Remy Hadley: Except the first time you were diagnosed. You broke up with him, and you had to go through all of that alone. Maybe that's the real reason you're doing this piece — so that this time you can have him with you. You still could.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: No. On a scale from one to creepy, you were maybe mildly unnerving.
Dr. Gregory House: Sorry. Just checking the stitches on my penis.
Dr. Gregory House: You made a decision.
Afsoun Hamidi: I changed my mind.
Dr. Gregory House: Why?
Afsoun Hamidi: Because there are more important things than—
Dr. Gregory House: Than what — than your brain, your abilities? It's where everything comes from — any meaning in your life, any happiness.
Afsoun Hamidi: Not all happiness—
Dr. Gregory House: He's already left once. He's gonna leave you again. You don't need to depend on people who are gonna let you down. If you do this, you're a pathetic hypocrite. You're saying that your whole life, all your work up until him was a pointless—
Afsoun Hamidi: Why are you doing this?
Dr. Gregory House: You're right. I feel much better.
Bartender: You want another one?
Dr. Gregory House: No, I think I've had enough. What do you think I should do today?
Bartender: I don't know. Go home?
Dr. Gregory House: Not tonight. Cheers.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Are you asking me to file charges? Just give me the paperwork. If Greg House steps foot in my hospital again, comes anywhere near me, I want him thrown in jail.
Dr. Remy Hadley: I'm surprised he approved it. I'm more surprised you actually asked.
Dr. Gregory House: I do things like that now. I'm making some changes… like skipping ahead to minute 37.
Dr. Robert Chase: I'm not gonna watch a woman get set on fire.
Dr. Gregory House: Philistine.
Dr. Eric Foreman: You forgot about the fourth symptom — being completely crazy.
Dr. Remy Hadley: One man's crazy is another woman's art. Her work explores things like gender politics and self-image.
Dr. Gregory House: And the pressing issue of shaving your entire body in public while wearing a monkey mask.
Dr. Eric Foreman: I still vote for nuts. We should run a resting-state functional MRI to look for increased activity in the dorsal nexus.
Dr. Gregory House: She's not nuts.
Dr. Robert Chase: The monkey-mask-shaving medium really speaks to you?
Dr. Gregory House: What speaks to me is she's elevated being full of crap to a genuine art form and made a fortune doing it. People that pay 20 grand for one of her video stills, on the other hand, really do need their dorsal nexi checked.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Oh, thank God. The ICU isn't being attacked by giant radioactive spiders.
Dr. Gregory House: Did I text you that? That was meant for my dream journal.
Dr. Gregory House: I wanted to return your stuff. Don't worry. I didn't go AWOL. I had my wife-maid bring it over.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: My sweater, a coffee mug, a half-used bottle of lotion, and a DVD of “Marley & Me.”
Dr. Gregory House: Given your thing for Owen Wilson, I thought you might want those last two back asap.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: I don't get it.
Dr. Gregory House: You masturbate to Owen Wilson.
Dr. Gregory House: Oh. It's a symbolic gesture. I want things to go back to the way they were before we started dating — no more bad feelings, no more issues, just work. Thanks for coming.
Dr. Gregory House: I think I could avoid putting another hole in my leg without talking about my mother.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Well, I don't want to find out you're wrong by getting another phone call from you in a bloody bathtub.
Dr. Gregory House: I'm a big believer that the best way to get past the past is to shoot it in the head, bury it in a deep pit, and pour lye on it.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: I'm just asking you to talk about it. You owe me... Forget about saving your life. You exposed my daughter to that obnoxious pirate cartoon.
Dr. Gregory House: Bring me lunch tomorrow, and we can plumb my depths.
Luca: Afsoun believes explaining her work limits its potential. But between us, he was real and a total dick.
Dr. Eric Foreman: No sane person would let themselves be burned alive for the sake of art.
Afsoun Hamidi: My work is meant to force the audience to break with the rational and see things in a new way.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Fine. No sane person would let themselves be burned alive to "break with the rational."
Dr. Chris Taub: Congratulations. It's a gestational sac. Can't see anything this early.
Julia: Jerry is cute. He's a senior V.P. He kite-surfs in Costa Rica every winter, and he loves his mother.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Seasonally? Or is that just the kite-surfing?
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: What? Like I secretly wish I could alter the laws of the universe, change who we are, and magically make it work out?
Julia: Yes, that's exactly what I'm asking.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: My sarcasm indicated no.
Julia: No, your sarcasm indicated you wanted to avoid actually saying anything.
Dr. Gregory House: The reason Luca couldn't decide what to do in the treatment room is the same as in the gallery. He's been told not to intervene. Congratulations. We've become her latest work of art.
Dr. Remy Hadley: It shouldn't have surprised us. All her work is based on personal traumas. She's had Luca taking notes, videotape her treatments, collect things, like sharps and bandages. It'll all go into a gallery installation.
Dr. Chris Taub: Well, then I guess as long as long as the exploitation is properly motivated, it's all okay.
Dr. Chris Taub: Why are we even discussing this case? She lied to us. It's opening us up to malpractice.
Dr. Gregory House: Our practice opens us up to malpractice.
Dr. Eric Foreman: How do we know she's actually sick?
Dr. Gregory House: Her being sick is a clue.
Dr. Remy Hadley: She would have let him set her on fire because of the honesty of her work. Faking an illness doesn't fit.
Dr. Gregory House: Thirteen's right — at least her conclusion was. Everything else was laughably wrong. If the patient induced pancreatitis and a heart attack, she'd be suicidal.
Dr. Robert Chase: Exactly. She's risking her life all the time.
Dr. Gregory House: Exactly. If she wanted to be dead, she'd be dead a long time ago. Pretending to cheat death pays better than watercolors.
Dr. Gregory House: If you really cared about me, you wouldn't be so obvious when you scheme to prove me wrong. You volunteered because you want to C.T. her lungs, not her biliary tree. You want to find fibrosis and prove your "paint thinner" theory. If I don't come with, when you fail, you'll pretend you never tried. I don't really have a choice, now, do I?
Dr. Gregory House: Since I've seen your paycheck, I probably shouldn't. Canned beans aren't so bad... as long as they're cooked over an oil-drum fire under a bridge with the king of the hobos.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: You stood me up.
Dr. Gregory House: Sorry. Should have scheduled my patient's internal bleeding for Thursday.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: I'm expressing my anger. You should try it. Right now, let's finally have our fight.
Dr. Gregory House: All we do is fight.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: No, all you've done is pull pranks or have temper tantrums with Wilson, never me, marry mail-order prostitutes, make me go to your wedding—
Dr. Gregory House: Wow, I hadn't realized the incredible healing power of lunch.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: I know one conversation isn't gonna solve everything, but it is a start.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: It's a privacy curtain.
Dr. Eric Foreman: It wasn't working.
Dr. Gregory House: She was researching me?
Dr. Eric Foreman: For months. This isn't about creating art in the moment. It's about you. She set you up.
Dr. James Wilson: Knowing him, he'll be in a bar. He'll find one that matches how he feels inside. It'll be the most dark, depressing hole you can find in New Jersey.
Dr. Gregory House: What the hell was the point of this? What personal trauma are you exploiting. I’m... sorry — mining for its artistic potential?
Afsoun Hamidi: My illness. I did the blood doping to intrigue you, but I was already ill.
Luca: Wait. You're really sick?
Dr. Gregory House: Why me?
Luca: Do you know what you have?
Afsoun Hamidi: Yes.
Luca: So tell him.
Afsoun Hamidi: If I do, there won't be any game for him, and then there won't be any art for us.
Dr. Gregory House: You know, there's a lot of games I could play that don't involve dealing with narcissistic, manipulative poseurs.
Afsoun Hamidi: But this is a puzzle tailor-made for you. You don't know which of my symptoms are real, which are fake, which ones I'm not even telling you about. I know that intrigues you. Do you really want to end it now?
Dr. Gregory House: [quietly] No.
Dr. Eric Foreman: This is the new House — half the leg power, twice the irresponsibility?
Dr. Gregory House: The new House is about making my life healthier. Never said anything about yours. Go get her blood.
Dr. Remy Hadley: I'll do it. He's going through a tough patch right now. If this is the distraction he needs to keep him in his hospital bed, I'm sure it's better than any of the alternatives.
Dr. Gregory House: That was incredibly condescending. Did it work?
Dr. Eric Foreman: Why do you keep ducking your wife's calls? I'm sure she just wants to congratulate you about knocking up a 22-year-old nurse.
Afsoun Hamidi: How many projects have we done together? You're always so worried. Have you ever gone wrong trusting me?
Dr. Gregory House: There is another explanation. The reason she didn't react isn't 'cause she wants to die. It's 'cause she knows she can't do anything about it. Whatever she has is fatal. That should narrow it down.
Dr. Gregory House: See that tumor-ish thingamajig near her "brainamabob"?
Luca: Oh, God.
Dr. Gregory House: Are you getting this? Game's over. I won. Primary CNS lymphoma with associated paraneoplastic syndrome.
Afsoun Hamidi: We were having a fling. It wouldn't have been fair to involve you.
Luca: I'm involved now. You just didn't want to open up.
Afsoun Hamidi: Luca, my mind was not clear then.
Dr. Gregory House: ...You realized you could use your death to make your magnum opus. Maybe you wanted to show that no one can cheat death, even an entire team of doctors with unlimited resources. Or maybe your first doctors didn't treat you like a person — just a series of symptoms. You wanted to re-create that depersonalization. And I was the man to see.
Afsoun Hamidi: If that was what I thought, I don't any longer. You spent time with me. You took this personally.
Dr. Gregory House: No, I didn't. And I don't actually think your piece is about anything. I think you just figured out that you're mortal. You're just a bag of cells and waste with an expiration date. You wanted to act out. You wanted people to notice. Maybe you even prayed for a different answer this time. I got a title for your piece — "It Doesn't Mean Anything."
Dr. James Wilson: You're forging my name on prescriptions again.
Dr. Gregory House: No... What you just said implies that I stopped at some point.
Dr. Gregory House: You've chosen this moment to give me crap about my Vicodin use?
Dr. James Wilson: You filled this three days ago. Now it's almost half gone.
Dr. Gregory House: So is my leg.
Dr. Gregory House: Okay. So maybe I am trying to numb myself a little, because I'm trying to change, trying to stop being self-destructive.
Dr. James Wilson: So you can only handle not self-destructing by being self-destructive?
Dr. Gregory House: What do you want from me?
Dr. James Wilson: I don't know how many times I can watch you cut off pieces of yourself. Now it's the ICU, next time it'll be the morgue. You're miserable. And you're angry. And I want you to actually deal with that and not just try to medicate the issue away.
Dr. Gregory House: No. You know what I feel right now? I don't feel miserable or angry. I don't feel good or bad. I feel... nothing... which feels great.
Afsoun Hamidi: Radiation? On my brain? But it made me fuzzy last time. It was harder to work. I am still slowed down from it.
Dr. Gregory House: And it'll get worse. But, you know, dying can also do a number on your ability to think.
Afsoun Hamidi: This is my brain, my work, and my life...
Luca: You have more. This is not some great performance piece anymore. This is just crazy.
Luca: I can't watch you die... not when you can save yourself. Good-bye, Afsoun.
Dr. Gregory House: You think I have unresolved issues, and you are the unresolved issues.
Dr. Gregory House: I did it to fix my life. No, wait. No, I did it because I'm a deeply unhappy person. No–no, I did it to get sympathy from you. I did it to piss you off. I did it because I'm not over you. Or I was over you, and I was moving on. I did it because I wanted to know what it's like not to be in pain. I did it because I want to feel more pain. Whatever the reason, it was a bad reason and a bad idea. That's all that matters. Good lunch.
Afsoun Hamidi: Did I make the wrong choice? Five years, through every opening, every installation, every day and every night, he was there the whole time.
Dr. Remy Hadley: Except the first time you were diagnosed. You broke up with him, and you had to go through all of that alone. Maybe that's the real reason you're doing this piece — so that this time you can have him with you. You still could.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: No. On a scale from one to creepy, you were maybe mildly unnerving.
Dr. Gregory House: Sorry. Just checking the stitches on my penis.
Dr. Gregory House: You made a decision.
Afsoun Hamidi: I changed my mind.
Dr. Gregory House: Why?
Afsoun Hamidi: Because there are more important things than—
Dr. Gregory House: Than what — than your brain, your abilities? It's where everything comes from — any meaning in your life, any happiness.
Afsoun Hamidi: Not all happiness—
Dr. Gregory House: He's already left once. He's gonna leave you again. You don't need to depend on people who are gonna let you down. If you do this, you're a pathetic hypocrite. You're saying that your whole life, all your work up until him was a pointless—
Afsoun Hamidi: Why are you doing this?
Dr. Gregory House: You're right. I feel much better.
Bartender: You want another one?
Dr. Gregory House: No, I think I've had enough. What do you think I should do today?
Bartender: I don't know. Go home?
Dr. Gregory House: Not tonight. Cheers.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Early Disney Junior Asia Special Presentation
I was recently invited to attend a special presentation of Disney Junior next week. This is the first time I was invited for anything like this and I'm really looking forward to it.
If you're watching Playhouse Disney in Southeast Asia, you should have noticed the ad they're playing all day long about the channel being changed to Disney Junior with the slogan "Where the Magic Begins" this coming July 11, 2011.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
My May 2011 To-Do List in the Philippines
Just got back, and here's my to-do-list. I used the iPhone application "aNote" to keep track of things...
Saturday, May 21, 2011
House M. D. Quotes - Season 7 Episode 22 - After Hours
Dr. Gregory House: Look at how much fun she's having.
Emily: That's because he has two functioning legs, capable of supporting her body weight.
Dr. Remy Hadley: Define okay. And just because I don't see bleeding doesn't mean it's not there.
Darrien: There was a raid. Andre needed to do something to slow the cops down.
Dr. Remy Hadley: He stabbed you as a distraction?
Darrien: Didn't work. Cops called an ambulance, left me lying there.
Dr. Remy Hadley: According to this, you're dead. You have no blood pressure. Barely have a pulse.
Darrien: Am I dying?
Dr. Remy Hadley: You're talking and alert, so your brain is getting blood.
Dr. Remy Hadley: Great. Uh, can you do me a huge favor? I need you to go to the hospital and check out a portable ultrasound machine for me.
Dr. Robert Chase: Who's the father?
Dr. Remy Hadley: I have a leak in my bathroom, and my guy won't come take a look at it till tomorrow morning, and an emergency plumber's 200 bucks an hour.
Dr. Gregory House: Figures you'd be wrapping up the trial by now. I just wanted to give you a hearty mazel tov.
Dr. Riggin: And don't forget the Nobel Prize for developing an incredibly expensive rat poison.
Dr. Riggin: Just some cramping. Their legs would stiffen up. They were having trouble moving around. We just thought their bodies were adjusting to the increase in muscle mass, but within a day or so they just started dying. Oh, well, get a new compound to play with next week.
Dr. Robert Chase: One portable ultrasound, extra pepperoni.
Dr. Robert Chase: Your socks are dry. And, unfortunately, so is your shirt, which means you either just changed to greet me, or you need this for something medical.
Dr. Robert Chase: Have you talked to anybody about it? I mean, are you okay?
Dr. Remy Hadley: No, I may have an aortic arch aneurysm. Oh, wait, that's her. Either help me or leave.
Dr. Remy Hadley: She saved me. There's a culture in prison. If you don't have someone to show you how to get the stuff you need and stay away from the stuff you don't, you're screwed.
Dr. Chris Taub: I don't know why she's even considering having my kid. She barely knows me. All she knows is I'm a short, balding guy. It doesn't even make evolutionary sense.
Dr. Eric Foreman: You want her to keep it?
Dr. Chris Taub: No.
Dr. Eric Foreman: 'Cause you'd make a crappy dad.
Dr. Chris Taub: I said, "no."
Dr. Eric Foreman: The only reason you're sitting in a strip club, ignoring the strip club, is because you actually are considering it.
Dr. Remy Hadley: All we'll do at the hospital is stick her in a patient bed and give her IV clotting factor. We can do that right here.
Dr. Robert Chase: We could also embalm her right here.
Dr. Remy Hadley: I'll call the drugs in. You go pick them up. If I'm right, she'll be fine. Look, I know you don't know her and you don't care about her, but I do. Please.
Stripper: Your lap is vibrating.
Dr. Chris Taub: Oh, sorry. Uh, it's my boss. (He puts the phone back in his pocket) Probably drunk. Wants a ride home. He can take a cab. Do you have any kids?
Stripper: Why? You like moms? I could be your mommy. Spank your little ass.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: What are you watching?
Rachel Cuddy: TV, you bloody scallywag.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Someone better be dying.
Dr. Gregory House: I tried calling everyone else. You were the last one on the list.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Any reason why 911 wasn't on the list?
Dr. Gregory House: It's not an emergency.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Right. Are you suicidal?
Dr. Gregory House: Surgeons are idiots. They'd just hack away at the muscle until they get worn out.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Or you're just ashamed you've been injecting a drug that hasn't even gone through safety trials. It's never even been in the human body.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: This isn't about making your leg better. It's about making your life better.
Dr. Gregory House: Here we go. Wish I had called 911.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Don't blame our breakup for this. You're not unhappy because of me. You're just unhappy. Unhappy people do reckless things.
Dr. Gregory House: There are no cars coming. Just go.
Rachel Cuddy: The light is red, ye bloody scallywag.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Stop with the pirate talk.
Dr. Gregory House: If you don't want Brownbeard to end up with two wooden legs, better get yer ma to move this ship, you mangy bilge rat.
Dr. Gregory House: If you want to lecture me on my poor judgment, there would seem to be more relevant examples.
Dr. Eric Foreman: There you are. You were in the VIP room so long, I thought you were gonna pay off that girl's mortgage.
Dr. Eric Foreman: You think you're a screw-up because you got a girl pregnant and you deserve to suffer. You don't. You just need some sleep and you'll handle this mess. Let's get in the car.
Dr. Robert Chase: You were defending your friend beyond all rationality, granting her the right to die in your bedroom. Was it really all because of a promise?
Dr. Remy Hadley: That word means something to some people.
Dr. Robert Chase: Not that much.
Dr. Robert Chase: You promised your brother you'd euthanize him and you think you won't feel bad about it as long as you can blame it on the promise. That's why you have this twisted obligation to keep all promises... or your carefully constructed defense mechanism could crumble down.
Dr. Gregory House: Did you see the new Brownbeard episode?
Rachel Cuddy: It was so funny.
Dr. Gregory House: No, it was so lame. Got a boat full of guy pirates and they make the girl pirate walk the plank.
Rachel Cuddy: She floated.
Dr. Gregory House: That's 'cause she had big boobies. That's why he should have kept her.
Dr. Gregory House: You've completely run out of ideas and you're calling me to bail you out. I'm touched. Hit me.
Dr. Gregory House: She on any medication... besides crack?
Dr. Gregory House: Can I guess stuff too? 'Cause that's gonna make the diagnosis really easy.
Dr. Gregory House: It's more relevant than what you got now, which is squat.
Dr. Gregory House: Three chicks just came into my bedroom. I got to go.
Dina: You think you're the first guy who thought he was special? You think you can do whatever you want? I am not going through that again!
Dr. Robert Chase: Find anything?
Dr. Remy Hadley: Shockingly... a punk kid getting shot pulling a gun on a cop did not make national news.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: I'm not a surgeon. There's nothing I can do.
Dr. Gregory House: Well, you can make sure that... idiot butcher doesn't cut more than he needs to.
Dr. Gregory House: ...if that involves chopping off my leg… I want to be sure that that's damn well necessary. (He sighs)
Dr. Gregory House: I don't trust him. I trust you.
Darrien: I told you I couldn't go back. I shouldn't have trusted you. I never liked you. I killed time with you 'cause I was locked in a cage. You were a distraction. Someone to talk to so I didn't have to think about... everything else.
Dr. Remy Hadley: You're lashing out… I get it. But in a month, you'll thank me... Or maybe you won't. I don't know. But… I know I saved your life.
Dr. Chris Taub: Back when I still had my practice, this patient came in, 50-year-old guy, wanted a tummy tuck. But when we do some prelim work, we discover that his stomach is filled with cancer. So instead of telling him that he's gonna look great at the beach, I got to tell him that he's dying.
Ruby: Were you at a strip club?
Dr. Chris Taub: Please. The weird part was I was more upset about the whole thing than he was. He actually had to calm me down. Said he had great kids, raised them right, knew that because of them, he was leaving the world a better place. I thought I might die last night.
Ruby: At a strip club?
Dr. Chris Taub: Yes, I was at a strip club. And while it was happening, I kept thinking about that patient and how I wish I was like him. I want to have this baby.
Dr. Remy Hadley: Darrien had to shoot that kid. It was the right thing. Completely justified. But it didn't matter. She destroyed her life trying to forget. I'm afraid that's what's gonna happen to me.
Dr. Robert Chase: You really should talk to someone.
Dr. Remy Hadley: I've talked to a therapist. It didn't help.
Dr. Robert Chase: Well, maybe you should talk to someone who isn't a therapist.
Dr. Remy Hadley: Do you really think you have any idea what it's like to live with something like this?
Dr. Robert Chase: Let's grab a coffee.
Dr. Remy Hadley: Ooh! Amish kid collapsed while picking up a hooker. Top that.
Dr. Gregory House: What are you doing here?
Dr. James Wilson: You hoping for someone else?
Dr. Gregory House: Hot nurse, candy striper... Someone who doesn't speak English. Someone who doesn't speak judgmental.
Dr. James Wilson: You've got mail.
Dr. James Wilson: "I hope your leg feels better and I hope we can be friends again soon, you bloody scallywag."
Dr. James Wilson: You're an ass.
Dr. Gregory House: What, for trying to walk on a freshly mangled leg? Performing surgery on myself? For thinking I could solve my emotional problems with rat medicine? If you're gonna nag, at least have the decency to be specific.
Dr. James Wilson: Come on. Listen to me. You can't keep going like this. Something has to change.
Dr. Gregory House: Can I pee first? .... I know.
Emily: That's because he has two functioning legs, capable of supporting her body weight.
Dr. Remy Hadley: Define okay. And just because I don't see bleeding doesn't mean it's not there.
Darrien: There was a raid. Andre needed to do something to slow the cops down.
Dr. Remy Hadley: He stabbed you as a distraction?
Darrien: Didn't work. Cops called an ambulance, left me lying there.
Dr. Remy Hadley: According to this, you're dead. You have no blood pressure. Barely have a pulse.
Darrien: Am I dying?
Dr. Remy Hadley: You're talking and alert, so your brain is getting blood.
Dr. Remy Hadley: Great. Uh, can you do me a huge favor? I need you to go to the hospital and check out a portable ultrasound machine for me.
Dr. Robert Chase: Who's the father?
Dr. Remy Hadley: I have a leak in my bathroom, and my guy won't come take a look at it till tomorrow morning, and an emergency plumber's 200 bucks an hour.
Dr. Gregory House: Figures you'd be wrapping up the trial by now. I just wanted to give you a hearty mazel tov.
Dr. Riggin: And don't forget the Nobel Prize for developing an incredibly expensive rat poison.
Dr. Riggin: Just some cramping. Their legs would stiffen up. They were having trouble moving around. We just thought their bodies were adjusting to the increase in muscle mass, but within a day or so they just started dying. Oh, well, get a new compound to play with next week.
Dr. Robert Chase: One portable ultrasound, extra pepperoni.
Dr. Robert Chase: Your socks are dry. And, unfortunately, so is your shirt, which means you either just changed to greet me, or you need this for something medical.
Dr. Robert Chase: Have you talked to anybody about it? I mean, are you okay?
Dr. Remy Hadley: No, I may have an aortic arch aneurysm. Oh, wait, that's her. Either help me or leave.
Dr. Remy Hadley: She saved me. There's a culture in prison. If you don't have someone to show you how to get the stuff you need and stay away from the stuff you don't, you're screwed.
Dr. Chris Taub: I don't know why she's even considering having my kid. She barely knows me. All she knows is I'm a short, balding guy. It doesn't even make evolutionary sense.
Dr. Eric Foreman: You want her to keep it?
Dr. Chris Taub: No.
Dr. Eric Foreman: 'Cause you'd make a crappy dad.
Dr. Chris Taub: I said, "no."
Dr. Eric Foreman: The only reason you're sitting in a strip club, ignoring the strip club, is because you actually are considering it.
Dr. Remy Hadley: All we'll do at the hospital is stick her in a patient bed and give her IV clotting factor. We can do that right here.
Dr. Robert Chase: We could also embalm her right here.
Dr. Remy Hadley: I'll call the drugs in. You go pick them up. If I'm right, she'll be fine. Look, I know you don't know her and you don't care about her, but I do. Please.
Stripper: Your lap is vibrating.
Dr. Chris Taub: Oh, sorry. Uh, it's my boss. (He puts the phone back in his pocket) Probably drunk. Wants a ride home. He can take a cab. Do you have any kids?
Stripper: Why? You like moms? I could be your mommy. Spank your little ass.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: What are you watching?
Rachel Cuddy: TV, you bloody scallywag.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Someone better be dying.
Dr. Gregory House: I tried calling everyone else. You were the last one on the list.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Any reason why 911 wasn't on the list?
Dr. Gregory House: It's not an emergency.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Right. Are you suicidal?
Dr. Gregory House: Surgeons are idiots. They'd just hack away at the muscle until they get worn out.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Or you're just ashamed you've been injecting a drug that hasn't even gone through safety trials. It's never even been in the human body.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: This isn't about making your leg better. It's about making your life better.
Dr. Gregory House: Here we go. Wish I had called 911.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Don't blame our breakup for this. You're not unhappy because of me. You're just unhappy. Unhappy people do reckless things.
Dr. Gregory House: There are no cars coming. Just go.
Rachel Cuddy: The light is red, ye bloody scallywag.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Stop with the pirate talk.
Dr. Gregory House: If you don't want Brownbeard to end up with two wooden legs, better get yer ma to move this ship, you mangy bilge rat.
Dr. Gregory House: If you want to lecture me on my poor judgment, there would seem to be more relevant examples.
Dr. Eric Foreman: There you are. You were in the VIP room so long, I thought you were gonna pay off that girl's mortgage.
Dr. Eric Foreman: You think you're a screw-up because you got a girl pregnant and you deserve to suffer. You don't. You just need some sleep and you'll handle this mess. Let's get in the car.
Dr. Robert Chase: You were defending your friend beyond all rationality, granting her the right to die in your bedroom. Was it really all because of a promise?
Dr. Remy Hadley: That word means something to some people.
Dr. Robert Chase: Not that much.
Dr. Robert Chase: You promised your brother you'd euthanize him and you think you won't feel bad about it as long as you can blame it on the promise. That's why you have this twisted obligation to keep all promises... or your carefully constructed defense mechanism could crumble down.
Dr. Gregory House: Did you see the new Brownbeard episode?
Rachel Cuddy: It was so funny.
Dr. Gregory House: No, it was so lame. Got a boat full of guy pirates and they make the girl pirate walk the plank.
Rachel Cuddy: She floated.
Dr. Gregory House: That's 'cause she had big boobies. That's why he should have kept her.
Dr. Gregory House: You've completely run out of ideas and you're calling me to bail you out. I'm touched. Hit me.
Dr. Gregory House: She on any medication... besides crack?
Dr. Gregory House: Can I guess stuff too? 'Cause that's gonna make the diagnosis really easy.
Dr. Gregory House: It's more relevant than what you got now, which is squat.
Dr. Gregory House: Three chicks just came into my bedroom. I got to go.
Dina: You think you're the first guy who thought he was special? You think you can do whatever you want? I am not going through that again!
Dr. Robert Chase: Find anything?
Dr. Remy Hadley: Shockingly... a punk kid getting shot pulling a gun on a cop did not make national news.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: I'm not a surgeon. There's nothing I can do.
Dr. Gregory House: Well, you can make sure that... idiot butcher doesn't cut more than he needs to.
Dr. Gregory House: ...if that involves chopping off my leg… I want to be sure that that's damn well necessary. (He sighs)
Dr. Gregory House: I don't trust him. I trust you.
Darrien: I told you I couldn't go back. I shouldn't have trusted you. I never liked you. I killed time with you 'cause I was locked in a cage. You were a distraction. Someone to talk to so I didn't have to think about... everything else.
Dr. Remy Hadley: You're lashing out… I get it. But in a month, you'll thank me... Or maybe you won't. I don't know. But… I know I saved your life.
Dr. Chris Taub: Back when I still had my practice, this patient came in, 50-year-old guy, wanted a tummy tuck. But when we do some prelim work, we discover that his stomach is filled with cancer. So instead of telling him that he's gonna look great at the beach, I got to tell him that he's dying.
Ruby: Were you at a strip club?
Dr. Chris Taub: Please. The weird part was I was more upset about the whole thing than he was. He actually had to calm me down. Said he had great kids, raised them right, knew that because of them, he was leaving the world a better place. I thought I might die last night.
Ruby: At a strip club?
Dr. Chris Taub: Yes, I was at a strip club. And while it was happening, I kept thinking about that patient and how I wish I was like him. I want to have this baby.
Dr. Remy Hadley: Darrien had to shoot that kid. It was the right thing. Completely justified. But it didn't matter. She destroyed her life trying to forget. I'm afraid that's what's gonna happen to me.
Dr. Robert Chase: You really should talk to someone.
Dr. Remy Hadley: I've talked to a therapist. It didn't help.
Dr. Robert Chase: Well, maybe you should talk to someone who isn't a therapist.
Dr. Remy Hadley: Do you really think you have any idea what it's like to live with something like this?
Dr. Robert Chase: Let's grab a coffee.
Dr. Remy Hadley: Ooh! Amish kid collapsed while picking up a hooker. Top that.
Dr. Gregory House: What are you doing here?
Dr. James Wilson: You hoping for someone else?
Dr. Gregory House: Hot nurse, candy striper... Someone who doesn't speak English. Someone who doesn't speak judgmental.
Dr. James Wilson: You've got mail.
Dr. James Wilson: "I hope your leg feels better and I hope we can be friends again soon, you bloody scallywag."
Dr. James Wilson: You're an ass.
Dr. Gregory House: What, for trying to walk on a freshly mangled leg? Performing surgery on myself? For thinking I could solve my emotional problems with rat medicine? If you're gonna nag, at least have the decency to be specific.
Dr. James Wilson: Come on. Listen to me. You can't keep going like this. Something has to change.
Dr. Gregory House: Can I pee first? .... I know.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
House M. D. Quotes - Season 7 Episode 21 - The Fix
Dr. Remy Hadley: Karma's a bitch.
Dr. Eric Foreman: You think her seizures are the result of bad karma?
Dr. Remy Hadley: I think if you spend your days designing ever more effective ways to blow people up, stuff's bound to come back to you.
Wendy Lee: Bombs are tools, just like anything else. You can use it to make things better or you can use it to make things worse. I also like romantic poetry and picnics. Is there anything else you want to know before we do this MRI?
Terry Foley: You ever been barely touched by a guy who weighs 230 pounds? Look at me. Look where I am, what I'm wearing. Now, do I look like a guy who just got a payday? I didn't throw the fight. I just suck.
Dr. James Wilson: You know that just because I was right about this one fighter doesn't make you any less of a man?
Dr. Gregory House: Actually, it would, if you were right.
Dr. James Wilson: ... And one possibly Photoshopped cell phone pic does not a diagnosis make.
Dr. Gregory House: See, this is what I don't care about. I don't care who cares about her. Used to care about her. Either one you falls down dead, you can drop me a note.
Dr. Gregory House: Apparently our mad scientist is also a slutty scientist whose milkshakes got all the nerds in the yard fighting over her.
Dr. Remy Hadley: She's a slut because she's dated two different guys at work?
Dr. Gregory House: Oh, I'm sorry. I thought we were still judging her.
Dr. Gregory House: You know what else wouldn't hurt? This case is getting interesting. Let's add a little danger.
Dr. Robert Chase: Just because he has guns doesn't make him a murderer.
Dr. Remy Hadley: Tell that to the bear.
Dr. Robert Chase: Look in the desk. See if he's got a diary or a journal.
Dr. Remy Hadley: Something tells me he's not exactly a diary kind of guy. Maybe a manifesto.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Looks like she actually was being poisoned, but she's been doing it to herself.
Wendy Lee: I'm not an alcoholic.
Dr. Chris Taub: I know. I know the whole label thing is so limiting. You're a person who happens to suffer from alcoholism.
Dr. Gregory House: One normal EKG does not a healthy person make.
Terry Foley: Look, I told you I just suck.
Dr. Gregory House: Oh, you make me so sad. Don't talk like that.
Terry Foley: Why do you care so much?
Dr. Gregory House: Kill me for loving my patients. It's just what I do.
Dr. Remy Hadley: She's under a lot of stress. She's got two guys fighting over her and she got done with the final test of a new bomb. Her guilt is killing her.
Dr. Eric Foreman: As far as you know, she likes being the center of attention and loves her job.
Dr. Remy Hadley: As far as you know, she doesn't drink.
Dr. James Wilson: If he's ignoring you, it's because he trusts you.
Dr. Eric Foreman: No, it's not.
Dr. James Wilson: No, it's not, but he does.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Thanks. I feel warm inside. Right now I'm debating which bad idea I should pretend is a good idea and force everybody to implement.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Obsessing over a bet is good? And doing his actual job, treating actual patients, that's bad?
Dr. James Wilson: House only doing what House wants is the only way he can function. Since the breakup, he's been seeking out crazier and crazier things to do because they're crazy. This is — well, it's not crazy.
Dr. James Wilson: By House standards, it's dull. This he's doing just because he's interested. I think House getting back to doing... stupid House stuff for stupid House reasons is the best thing that could happen to him.
Dr. Eric Foreman: I'll go explain that to the patient.
Dr. Gregory House: Who's the real bad guy here? The guy who doesn't care enough to help or the four guys who are not competent enough to help? He works out too much, gets pounded too much, and not in the romantic way. His pupils—
Dr. Gregory House: Your patient? No. Plenty of time to save her life after we save my money.
Dr. Eric Foreman: You ignore us all the time. You go on crazy joyrides all the time. But you answer pages, you sleep. I know I'm gonna regret doing this, but I'll ask anyway. Is there anything I can do to help?
Dr. Gregory House: All you need is a chin. And a heart, apparently. Then you can go back to being the guy who won 20 of his first 20 instead of the guy who lost 5 of his last 5. Although, technically, I count the last one as a "no contest."
Terry Foley: And you save 50 bucks.
Dr. Gregory House: I'm a doctor. I don't tell a fat guy to lay off bacon for less than 300.
Dr. Eric Foreman: My theory is that he's only avoiding us because he really wants to avoid you.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Ma nishtana?
Dr. Eric Foreman: I'm not sure it is. But usually when push comes to shove, he shows up.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: If the patient's still alive, then push hasn't met shove yet.
Dr. Eric Foreman: I'm expanding my theory. He's avoiding you and you're avoiding him and this patient is gonna die.
Dr. Remy Hadley: This experiment was done on rats.
Dr. Gregory House: It's groundbreaking. Huge success.
Dr. Remy Hadley: In rats.
Dr. Gregory House: Well, they got four legs. Think how fast it should work on one.
Dr. Remy Hadley: You're an idiot.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Is it possible something got perforated during surgery?
Dr. Chris Taub: Is that an accusation?
Dr. Eric Foreman: Sounded like a question. Just a straightforward inquiry that only someone with serious insecurities would take issue with.
Dr. Chris Taub: Okay, so in answering, I have to decide between the only two possibilities. "No" and "yes, we might have screwed something up, but are intentionally hiding it because we're incompetent and we're asses."
Dr. Chris Taub: No one is rational about emotion. That's why they're emotions.
Dr. Gregory House: But if it's worthy of the preface "obviously," then obviously it only needs to be explained to idiots. Do I look like an idiot? Sorry. Cranky. What I meant to say was: Why don't scientists have groupies? 'Cause I'd do you right now if society wasn't telling me that you're just an underpaid dork.
Dr. Gregory House: I'll give you two minutes. But first, I'm gonna tell you that I'm off the drugs and you'll feel silly 'cause you've got nothing to say for two minutes.
Dr. James Wilson: Hmm. Why are you off them?
Dr. Gregory House: Because they don't work.
Dr. James Wilson: Why were you on them?
Dr. Gregory House: Because they come in banana flavor. You know the answer.
Dr. James Wilson: You think fixing your leg will fix your life.
Dr. Gregory House: I think that my life will be somewhat better if part of my life, specifically my leg, is somewhat better.
Dr. James Wilson: I think you want everything to be physical, tangible, simple. You want unhappiness to have a cure.
Dr. Gregory House: I hate that word. I have to go now. Actually, I don't, but it would be rude to walk out without saying anything.
Dr. Remy Hadley: We found reports that your company was developing tactical nuclear warheads for bunker-busting bombs.
Cesar: Where? On Wikipedia? Some paranoid idiot's blog? I don't care where you read it. It's not true.
Terry Foley: So in other words, nothing's gonna prove you wrong. You're just gonna keep making me miserable because you're too miserable—
Dr. Gregory House: You're an idiot...
Dr. Gregory House: No, you're not gonna hit me… 'Cause somewhere deep in that way-too-thin skull of yours you know that you're full of crap. That's why you stopped jogging for me. That's why you drank eight bottles. Because even though you want to think that I'm wrong 'cause it's simpler, you also desperately want me to be right. I'm only an ass for building your hopes up if I'm wrong.
Terry Foley: You're an ass.
Dr. Gregory House: Nothing to talk about. That was my point.
Dr. Robert Chase: Yes, she's gonna die in considerably less discomfort thanks to you treating a few of the symptoms instead of the disease.
Bartender: You're drunk.
Dr. Gregory House: Well, whose fault is that? Give me another scotch.
Bartender: I can't serve you.
Dr. Gregory House: This 'cause I'm black? 'Cause I'm not, so...
Dr. Gregory House: Look, you can't get me drunk and then give me crap for being drunk. That's like dumping someone and then giving them crap for being upset. That's just not decent. Let me explain why people come here. They come here to drink. Which causes us to ask, why do people drink? Hmm? Is it sustenance? No. Is it taste? No. Is it the company of stout-hearted men? I don't think so. Is it killing pain? Yes... Seven and a half percent life duller. That's the business you're in. You're in the "screw the world" business. You're in the "reality sucks and fantasy temporarily appears to not suck" business.
Dr. Gregory House: Have you no pride? Either serving me is a good idea or it's a bad idea. Shutting me up is a crappy reason for compromising what you believe.
Dr. Robert Chase: You're either suicidal or you know we're wrong. And the only way you could know for sure what wasn't killing her is if you knew what was. And you do, don't you?
Dr. Remy Hadley: Because you've been poisoning her and the reason she's getting better is because you haven't been near her.
Dr. Gregory House: Ahem! What's this? A palm. Hmm, useful for many things. Slapping, greasing, probably some other applications too. Right now it's ready for $50 and humiliation.
Dr. James Wilson: What happened to your eye? You okay?
Dr. Gregory House: Better than okay.
Dr. Eric Foreman: You think her seizures are the result of bad karma?
Dr. Remy Hadley: I think if you spend your days designing ever more effective ways to blow people up, stuff's bound to come back to you.
Wendy Lee: Bombs are tools, just like anything else. You can use it to make things better or you can use it to make things worse. I also like romantic poetry and picnics. Is there anything else you want to know before we do this MRI?
Terry Foley: You ever been barely touched by a guy who weighs 230 pounds? Look at me. Look where I am, what I'm wearing. Now, do I look like a guy who just got a payday? I didn't throw the fight. I just suck.
Dr. James Wilson: You know that just because I was right about this one fighter doesn't make you any less of a man?
Dr. Gregory House: Actually, it would, if you were right.
Dr. James Wilson: ... And one possibly Photoshopped cell phone pic does not a diagnosis make.
Dr. Gregory House: See, this is what I don't care about. I don't care who cares about her. Used to care about her. Either one you falls down dead, you can drop me a note.
Dr. Gregory House: Apparently our mad scientist is also a slutty scientist whose milkshakes got all the nerds in the yard fighting over her.
Dr. Remy Hadley: She's a slut because she's dated two different guys at work?
Dr. Gregory House: Oh, I'm sorry. I thought we were still judging her.
Dr. Gregory House: You know what else wouldn't hurt? This case is getting interesting. Let's add a little danger.
Dr. Robert Chase: Just because he has guns doesn't make him a murderer.
Dr. Remy Hadley: Tell that to the bear.
Dr. Robert Chase: Look in the desk. See if he's got a diary or a journal.
Dr. Remy Hadley: Something tells me he's not exactly a diary kind of guy. Maybe a manifesto.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Looks like she actually was being poisoned, but she's been doing it to herself.
Wendy Lee: I'm not an alcoholic.
Dr. Chris Taub: I know. I know the whole label thing is so limiting. You're a person who happens to suffer from alcoholism.
Dr. Gregory House: One normal EKG does not a healthy person make.
Terry Foley: Look, I told you I just suck.
Dr. Gregory House: Oh, you make me so sad. Don't talk like that.
Terry Foley: Why do you care so much?
Dr. Gregory House: Kill me for loving my patients. It's just what I do.
Dr. Remy Hadley: She's under a lot of stress. She's got two guys fighting over her and she got done with the final test of a new bomb. Her guilt is killing her.
Dr. Eric Foreman: As far as you know, she likes being the center of attention and loves her job.
Dr. Remy Hadley: As far as you know, she doesn't drink.
Dr. James Wilson: If he's ignoring you, it's because he trusts you.
Dr. Eric Foreman: No, it's not.
Dr. James Wilson: No, it's not, but he does.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Thanks. I feel warm inside. Right now I'm debating which bad idea I should pretend is a good idea and force everybody to implement.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Obsessing over a bet is good? And doing his actual job, treating actual patients, that's bad?
Dr. James Wilson: House only doing what House wants is the only way he can function. Since the breakup, he's been seeking out crazier and crazier things to do because they're crazy. This is — well, it's not crazy.
Dr. James Wilson: By House standards, it's dull. This he's doing just because he's interested. I think House getting back to doing... stupid House stuff for stupid House reasons is the best thing that could happen to him.
Dr. Eric Foreman: I'll go explain that to the patient.
Dr. Gregory House: Who's the real bad guy here? The guy who doesn't care enough to help or the four guys who are not competent enough to help? He works out too much, gets pounded too much, and not in the romantic way. His pupils—
Dr. Gregory House: Your patient? No. Plenty of time to save her life after we save my money.
Dr. Eric Foreman: You ignore us all the time. You go on crazy joyrides all the time. But you answer pages, you sleep. I know I'm gonna regret doing this, but I'll ask anyway. Is there anything I can do to help?
Dr. Gregory House: All you need is a chin. And a heart, apparently. Then you can go back to being the guy who won 20 of his first 20 instead of the guy who lost 5 of his last 5. Although, technically, I count the last one as a "no contest."
Terry Foley: And you save 50 bucks.
Dr. Gregory House: I'm a doctor. I don't tell a fat guy to lay off bacon for less than 300.
Dr. Eric Foreman: My theory is that he's only avoiding us because he really wants to avoid you.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Ma nishtana?
Dr. Eric Foreman: I'm not sure it is. But usually when push comes to shove, he shows up.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: If the patient's still alive, then push hasn't met shove yet.
Dr. Eric Foreman: I'm expanding my theory. He's avoiding you and you're avoiding him and this patient is gonna die.
Dr. Remy Hadley: This experiment was done on rats.
Dr. Gregory House: It's groundbreaking. Huge success.
Dr. Remy Hadley: In rats.
Dr. Gregory House: Well, they got four legs. Think how fast it should work on one.
Dr. Remy Hadley: You're an idiot.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Is it possible something got perforated during surgery?
Dr. Chris Taub: Is that an accusation?
Dr. Eric Foreman: Sounded like a question. Just a straightforward inquiry that only someone with serious insecurities would take issue with.
Dr. Chris Taub: Okay, so in answering, I have to decide between the only two possibilities. "No" and "yes, we might have screwed something up, but are intentionally hiding it because we're incompetent and we're asses."
Dr. Chris Taub: No one is rational about emotion. That's why they're emotions.
Dr. Gregory House: But if it's worthy of the preface "obviously," then obviously it only needs to be explained to idiots. Do I look like an idiot? Sorry. Cranky. What I meant to say was: Why don't scientists have groupies? 'Cause I'd do you right now if society wasn't telling me that you're just an underpaid dork.
Dr. Gregory House: I'll give you two minutes. But first, I'm gonna tell you that I'm off the drugs and you'll feel silly 'cause you've got nothing to say for two minutes.
Dr. James Wilson: Hmm. Why are you off them?
Dr. Gregory House: Because they don't work.
Dr. James Wilson: Why were you on them?
Dr. Gregory House: Because they come in banana flavor. You know the answer.
Dr. James Wilson: You think fixing your leg will fix your life.
Dr. Gregory House: I think that my life will be somewhat better if part of my life, specifically my leg, is somewhat better.
Dr. James Wilson: I think you want everything to be physical, tangible, simple. You want unhappiness to have a cure.
Dr. Gregory House: I hate that word. I have to go now. Actually, I don't, but it would be rude to walk out without saying anything.
Dr. Remy Hadley: We found reports that your company was developing tactical nuclear warheads for bunker-busting bombs.
Cesar: Where? On Wikipedia? Some paranoid idiot's blog? I don't care where you read it. It's not true.
Terry Foley: So in other words, nothing's gonna prove you wrong. You're just gonna keep making me miserable because you're too miserable—
Dr. Gregory House: You're an idiot...
Dr. Gregory House: No, you're not gonna hit me… 'Cause somewhere deep in that way-too-thin skull of yours you know that you're full of crap. That's why you stopped jogging for me. That's why you drank eight bottles. Because even though you want to think that I'm wrong 'cause it's simpler, you also desperately want me to be right. I'm only an ass for building your hopes up if I'm wrong.
Terry Foley: You're an ass.
Dr. Gregory House: Nothing to talk about. That was my point.
Dr. Robert Chase: Yes, she's gonna die in considerably less discomfort thanks to you treating a few of the symptoms instead of the disease.
Bartender: You're drunk.
Dr. Gregory House: Well, whose fault is that? Give me another scotch.
Bartender: I can't serve you.
Dr. Gregory House: This 'cause I'm black? 'Cause I'm not, so...
Dr. Gregory House: Look, you can't get me drunk and then give me crap for being drunk. That's like dumping someone and then giving them crap for being upset. That's just not decent. Let me explain why people come here. They come here to drink. Which causes us to ask, why do people drink? Hmm? Is it sustenance? No. Is it taste? No. Is it the company of stout-hearted men? I don't think so. Is it killing pain? Yes... Seven and a half percent life duller. That's the business you're in. You're in the "screw the world" business. You're in the "reality sucks and fantasy temporarily appears to not suck" business.
Dr. Gregory House: Have you no pride? Either serving me is a good idea or it's a bad idea. Shutting me up is a crappy reason for compromising what you believe.
Dr. Robert Chase: You're either suicidal or you know we're wrong. And the only way you could know for sure what wasn't killing her is if you knew what was. And you do, don't you?
Dr. Remy Hadley: Because you've been poisoning her and the reason she's getting better is because you haven't been near her.
Dr. Gregory House: Ahem! What's this? A palm. Hmm, useful for many things. Slapping, greasing, probably some other applications too. Right now it's ready for $50 and humiliation.
Dr. James Wilson: What happened to your eye? You okay?
Dr. Gregory House: Better than okay.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
The Philippine's Clean Air Act Paradox: We End Up with Bad Air Anyway
Before you bear down on me, please read through this brainstorming I had a few days ago. (Well, you know I have a lot of time in my hands these days.) I believe this is an important issue that should be tackled and not simply whisked away as another anti-environmentalist rant. Because this is not; this is anything but that. So here goes...
The Clean Air Act is a landmark law that, among other things, basically bans the use of incinerators in the Philippines, the first country to do so. However, without incinerators, what are we going to do with all that trash?
Aside from recycling -- which many people don't do anyway -- the most common answer would be landfills -- what little land we have left will be used just to make way for the tons of trash from Metro Manila. And that's just where most of our trash ends up. Nobody likes landfills, especially the people who are forced to live next to them. The Payatas incident back in early 2000 is a good reminder of that -- and that they are not environmentally friendly. Is there really a doubt why people are complaining when they learn that they will be neighbors of a very large landfill?
Anyway, as far as I understand, millions of pesos are spent to have large tracts of land across the nation used as landfills, such as the San Jose Del Monte site just outside Metro Manila and the recently opened site in Pangasinan. All those tons of trash produces methane -- a large amount in fact that it can be used as a source of power but, unfortunately is a very potent greenhouse gas. Methane has a global warming potential (GWP) of 30 -- which means that every kilogram of methane has 30x more effect on climate change than carbon dioxide [1].
The Clean Air Act is a landmark law that, among other things, basically bans the use of incinerators in the Philippines, the first country to do so. However, without incinerators, what are we going to do with all that trash?
Aside from recycling -- which many people don't do anyway -- the most common answer would be landfills -- what little land we have left will be used just to make way for the tons of trash from Metro Manila. And that's just where most of our trash ends up. Nobody likes landfills, especially the people who are forced to live next to them. The Payatas incident back in early 2000 is a good reminder of that -- and that they are not environmentally friendly. Is there really a doubt why people are complaining when they learn that they will be neighbors of a very large landfill?
Anyway, as far as I understand, millions of pesos are spent to have large tracts of land across the nation used as landfills, such as the San Jose Del Monte site just outside Metro Manila and the recently opened site in Pangasinan. All those tons of trash produces methane -- a large amount in fact that it can be used as a source of power but, unfortunately is a very potent greenhouse gas. Methane has a global warming potential (GWP) of 30 -- which means that every kilogram of methane has 30x more effect on climate change than carbon dioxide [1].
Sunday, May 08, 2011
Pacquiao vs Mosley - Results
Undercard Results
WBC Continental Americas Light Welterweight Championship
Mike "Mile High" Alvarado defeats Raymond "Sugar Ray" Nahr
TKO, End of Round 3
Super Middleweight Fight
Kelly "The Ghost" Pavlik defeats Alfonso "El Tigre" Lopez III
Majority Decision
WBO Super Bantamweight Championship
Jose Arce defeats Wilfredo Vazquez Jr.
TKO, Round 12 0:55
Main Sponsors:
Cerbeza Tecate
O-Reilly Motors
Smart Communications
Mortal Kombat Fatality Lives - PS3
Showtime PPV
Shane Mosley Productions
MP Productions
Top Rank
WBC Continental Americas Light Welterweight Championship
Mike "Mile High" Alvarado defeats Raymond "Sugar Ray" Nahr
TKO, End of Round 3
Super Middleweight Fight
Kelly "The Ghost" Pavlik defeats Alfonso "El Tigre" Lopez III
Majority Decision
WBO Super Bantamweight Championship
Jose Arce defeats Wilfredo Vazquez Jr.
TKO, Round 12 0:55
Main Sponsors:
Cerbeza Tecate
O-Reilly Motors
Smart Communications
Mortal Kombat Fatality Lives - PS3
Showtime PPV
Shane Mosley Productions
MP Productions
Top Rank
Saturday, May 07, 2011
Giant asteroid to pass by Earth this November
YU55 orbits the sun every 14 years. It has a diameter of 400 meters / 1,300 feet and weighs about 55 million tons. And if it ever should hit the earth, the explosion will be equivalent to 65 thousand nuclear bombs, leaving a crater about six miles wide 200 feet deep. But NASA confirms that, although close, the asteroid will not collide with the earth at least in the next 100 years.
Friday, May 06, 2011
New Thor Movie Trailers and Teasers -- from Conan
Just watched the new Thor movie the other day. It's good! Then I also watched Conan for the last few days who featured very... interesting... Thor trailers. Hehehe :))
Thursday, May 05, 2011
House M. D. Quotes - Season 7 Episode 20 - Changes
Cyrus Harry: Seriously, you gonna complain? How many limo drivers are making six figures?
Dr. Chris Taub: He just won $42 million in the state lottery. I think I read about this lucky bastard in the paper.
Dr. Gregory House: You sure you don't mean the lucky bastard whose grandkids snorted his winnings till he drank himself to death with drain cleaner? Or the lucky bastard who was found naked and penniless in a strip club parking lot with his winning number tattooed on both testicles?
Dr. Chris Taub: Sure, some people will screw up anything, but some won't. That kind of cash, he has a chance to turn a miserable life around.
Dr. Gregory House: Miserable stays miserable. Happy doesn't buy lottery tickets in the first place.
Dr. Remy Hadley: Our level of happiness is set. It's in our DNA. No cash payout's gonna change that.
Dr. Gregory House: It's like there's two of me.
Dr. Gregory House: You know,I was just thinking how much I want a relationship with no sex, but where I still have to deal with your mother.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Fine. We're both on the line, but she won't discuss this with me alone. She and her lawyer want to meet with both of us for settlement talks. I need you in that meeting acting nice and respectful while I defuse this stunt.
Dr. Gregory House: Yeah well, I'm not going to that meeting, so I'm guessing you're cool if I'm not nice and respectful either.
Dr. Eric Foreman: House thinks I'm a robot. You think I'm a wuss?
Dr. Robert Chase: No, no, no, no. I think you're repressed. Well, it's out of your control. Tough childhood, strained relations with your family. Can't be easy trying to succeed in a white man's world.
Dr. Eric Foreman: First of all, white man, I've done at least as well as you have. Second, I didn't think you take House's view that life sucks and we're stuck.
Dr. Robert Chase: I think you're stuck. Last month or so I've turned my life around. I'm happier than ever.
Dr. Robert Chase: I challenge you to go one differential without House or anyone else getting under your skin.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Since I say nothing gets to me and you won't take me at my word, how am I supposed to prove you wrong?
Dr. Robert Chase: I guess you can't. I hope that doesn't eat at you.
Dr. Robert Chase: Off-brand solvent. From China. (Throws it to Foreman.) Made of God knows what.
Dr. Gregory House: If we chelate, we're not gonna know what disease he had, which means we're not gonna know if the problem was in his lousy old job or his still-lousy new life. Which for the purposes of a metaphorical argument is very important.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Pointless to argue. He's the boss. He needs his puzzle solved. Why bang our heads against the wall?
Dr. Remy Hadley: She won't let us make a move until you agree to a sit-down with the godmother and her consigliere.
Dr. Gregory House: Bitch to king four.
Dr. Chris Taub: Checkmate. Patient can't use his leg. You have to concede.
Dr. Gregory House: Or I could just knock all the pieces onto the floor.
Cyrus Harry: I'm not better, but you're kicking me out?
Dr. Remy Hadley: Which is why it'll only be 20 minutes. See, the Dean of Medicine acts tough, but she's not really. She'll step in, readmit you.
Dr. Gregory House: That was totally courageous of Khloe to Tweet about her weight gain.
Dr. Chris Taub: House, I've got a patient with a seizure disorder who can't walk.
Dr. Gregory House: What are you doing? We got a patient with a walking disorder who can't seize. No, wait. I'm close, though, right?
Dr. Eric Foreman: He claims he can swear off sex indefinitely. Also claims that I am a boiling cauldron of repressed rage. (Taub smiles slightly.)
Dr. Gregory House: Your theory is idiotic. The patient's antibody titers were negative for Lyme disease. And I shared a motel room with your ex-girlfriend.
Dr. Eric Foreman: You make a good point about the antibody titers.
Dr. Gregory House: He's a rock.
Dr. Gregory House: That's strange, since I unplugged the lead 30 seconds ago. Admirable effort... And I'm not just saying that 'cause I'm scared you might turn green and rip through your own clothes.
Dr. Remy Hadley: I love being back, having every theory you and I share used as proof of my own personal damage.
Dr. Gregory House: Why haven't you been yelling at me about the Cuddy twins?
Dr. James Wilson: Because you're doing the right thing.
Dr. Gregory House: Are we talking about the same issue? Is there something I don't know about that I'm responding to appropriately?
Dr. James Wilson: Cuddy wants you in the middle of this. So does Arlene. Because they don't want to face their own problem. Somehow, in your knee-jerk, juvenile way, you tripped and fell into an actual adult response to this.
Arlene Cuddy: Maybe I've got a medical thing. Maybe I just think I'm talking, but no one can hear me, not just my uncaring daughter.
Arlene Cuddy: House.
Dr. Gregory House: Ex-not-mom-in-law.
Dr. Gregory House: After you said pretty please with sugar on top? Problem is we only give store credit, so I say we put your old, cracked poisonous hip back in. Here and now. I saved your life. Happy to un-save it.
Dr. Chris Taub: Read the studies. The fewer partners you have, the happier you are with your ultimate partner.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Hmm. Then you're gonna be miserable.
Dr. Gregory House: I'm happier without her. I'm not stupidly expecting her to make me happy. I'm happier with my unhappiness. (Pops Vicodin.)
Dr. Eric Foreman: You want to grow more and bigger cancers?
Dr. Gregory House: We can't figure out what three small ones have in common, maybe can figure out what eight big ones have in common?
Dr. Remy Hadley: He dumped me after I hooked up with his sister.
Dr. Gregory House: Would you mind letting him down gently? I might have made promises you can't keep.
Dr. Chris Taub: She turned down a proposal. How long a game you think she's playing?
Dr. Remy Hadley: I think if she said yes after 14 hours, even he'd be suspicious.
Dr. Chris Taub: You're lucky you're hot and smart, because — well, you're just lucky you're hot and smart.
Dr. Gregory House: Forget yoga. Embrace Zen. You're a repressed idiot. He's a horny idiot. Neither one of you can do anything about it. Pretty sure that's Zen.
Dr. Gregory House: I had good reasons.
Dr. James Wilson: You had lame rationalizations.
Dr. Gregory House: I'm sorry. That we saved your life. (A beat.) In the way that we did.
Dr. James Wilson: B-plus.
Dr. Gregory House: I know. Told my seconds to tell her seconds that she gets no second chance. Well, technically, it's a third chance, but I don't have thirds.
Dr. James Wilson: You didn't start it, but you had the chance to end it, and you didn't. You love her, House, and it's human to hang on, but you're blowing up not just your job but any chance of any kind of relationship with her again.
Dr. Chris Taub: His long lost love is a fraud. Thirteen figured that out.
Dr. Gregory House: Good for her.
Dr. Chris Taub: Decades of menial work, three cancers couldn't make him die miserable. She just did.
Dr. Remy Hadley: The truth made him miserable.
Dr. Gregory House: It's like there's two of me.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: You have to be destructive. You have to tear things apart. God forbid you should say what's really on that twisted mind of yours?
Arlene Cuddy: And you're the great peacemaker? Single mom, can't keep a man long enough to cook a meal.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: You'd be dead if it weren't for our mistreatment. And somehow you'd still find something to whine about.
Arlene Cuddy: Look at you idiots. Who else is gonna put up with either of you?
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: I asked you to move in. That meant we weren't gonna reconcile. I'm sorry, mom. Some things take more than a common enemy.
Arlene Cuddy: Then you're an idiot with impossible standards.
Dr. Gregory House: Common enemy. One way to trigger brain symptoms when there's nothing wrong with your brain have something else turn your brain into a common enemy. You have a teratoma, a usually harmless congenital growth which can be filled with almost any kind of tissue. And, unusually, not at all harmless. If I'm right, yours is filled with primitive cells, some of which developed into brain cells. These foreign cells leaked into your bloodstream. Now, the body is a little xenophobic. It creates antibodies. The problem is, there's not much difference between brain cells in your abdomen and brain cells in your brain. To make matters worse, primitive cells can become almost anything. Grow like weeds. Which means they can turn into tumors, destroy whole organ systems.
Dr. Gregory House: Cut out the teratoma, what's left of your cancer, you should be fine. Think of it as your second luckiest day.
Dr. Gregory House: No, actually a fraud was a fraud. You fell for her just the same. You may stay miserable, but your long lost love is not gonna be the reason why.
Dr. Remy Hadley: It's the real Jennifer. Or at least the only one to show up who actually has the birthmark. He's renting her an apartment.
Dr. Gregory House: It'll end horribly.
Dr. Remy Hadley: Not for him. She may take all his money, and he may be a naive idiot, but… he'll always be hopeful, so he'll always be happy.
Dr. Gregory House: You lost your mother. You euthanized your brother. You got the life expectancy of a pretty good sitcom. If you can convince yourself that you'd be miserable no matter what even without all that stuff, then maybe you don't have to hate the universe for dumping a giant turd on you. Fatalism is your survival mechanism.
Dr. Remy Hadley: And you? Dumped by everyone you've ever loved. Rehab was a bust. Your leg feels like somebody took a giant bite out of it. We are who we are. Lotteries are stupid.
Dr. Chris Taub: He just won $42 million in the state lottery. I think I read about this lucky bastard in the paper.
Dr. Gregory House: You sure you don't mean the lucky bastard whose grandkids snorted his winnings till he drank himself to death with drain cleaner? Or the lucky bastard who was found naked and penniless in a strip club parking lot with his winning number tattooed on both testicles?
Dr. Chris Taub: Sure, some people will screw up anything, but some won't. That kind of cash, he has a chance to turn a miserable life around.
Dr. Gregory House: Miserable stays miserable. Happy doesn't buy lottery tickets in the first place.
Dr. Remy Hadley: Our level of happiness is set. It's in our DNA. No cash payout's gonna change that.
Dr. Gregory House: It's like there's two of me.
Dr. Gregory House: You know,I was just thinking how much I want a relationship with no sex, but where I still have to deal with your mother.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Fine. We're both on the line, but she won't discuss this with me alone. She and her lawyer want to meet with both of us for settlement talks. I need you in that meeting acting nice and respectful while I defuse this stunt.
Dr. Gregory House: Yeah well, I'm not going to that meeting, so I'm guessing you're cool if I'm not nice and respectful either.
Dr. Eric Foreman: House thinks I'm a robot. You think I'm a wuss?
Dr. Robert Chase: No, no, no, no. I think you're repressed. Well, it's out of your control. Tough childhood, strained relations with your family. Can't be easy trying to succeed in a white man's world.
Dr. Eric Foreman: First of all, white man, I've done at least as well as you have. Second, I didn't think you take House's view that life sucks and we're stuck.
Dr. Robert Chase: I think you're stuck. Last month or so I've turned my life around. I'm happier than ever.
Dr. Robert Chase: I challenge you to go one differential without House or anyone else getting under your skin.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Since I say nothing gets to me and you won't take me at my word, how am I supposed to prove you wrong?
Dr. Robert Chase: I guess you can't. I hope that doesn't eat at you.
Dr. Robert Chase: Off-brand solvent. From China. (Throws it to Foreman.) Made of God knows what.
Dr. Gregory House: If we chelate, we're not gonna know what disease he had, which means we're not gonna know if the problem was in his lousy old job or his still-lousy new life. Which for the purposes of a metaphorical argument is very important.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Pointless to argue. He's the boss. He needs his puzzle solved. Why bang our heads against the wall?
Dr. Remy Hadley: She won't let us make a move until you agree to a sit-down with the godmother and her consigliere.
Dr. Gregory House: Bitch to king four.
Dr. Chris Taub: Checkmate. Patient can't use his leg. You have to concede.
Dr. Gregory House: Or I could just knock all the pieces onto the floor.
Cyrus Harry: I'm not better, but you're kicking me out?
Dr. Remy Hadley: Which is why it'll only be 20 minutes. See, the Dean of Medicine acts tough, but she's not really. She'll step in, readmit you.
Dr. Gregory House: That was totally courageous of Khloe to Tweet about her weight gain.
Dr. Chris Taub: House, I've got a patient with a seizure disorder who can't walk.
Dr. Gregory House: What are you doing? We got a patient with a walking disorder who can't seize. No, wait. I'm close, though, right?
Dr. Eric Foreman: He claims he can swear off sex indefinitely. Also claims that I am a boiling cauldron of repressed rage. (Taub smiles slightly.)
Dr. Gregory House: Your theory is idiotic. The patient's antibody titers were negative for Lyme disease. And I shared a motel room with your ex-girlfriend.
Dr. Eric Foreman: You make a good point about the antibody titers.
Dr. Gregory House: He's a rock.
Dr. Gregory House: That's strange, since I unplugged the lead 30 seconds ago. Admirable effort... And I'm not just saying that 'cause I'm scared you might turn green and rip through your own clothes.
Dr. Remy Hadley: I love being back, having every theory you and I share used as proof of my own personal damage.
Dr. Gregory House: Why haven't you been yelling at me about the Cuddy twins?
Dr. James Wilson: Because you're doing the right thing.
Dr. Gregory House: Are we talking about the same issue? Is there something I don't know about that I'm responding to appropriately?
Dr. James Wilson: Cuddy wants you in the middle of this. So does Arlene. Because they don't want to face their own problem. Somehow, in your knee-jerk, juvenile way, you tripped and fell into an actual adult response to this.
Arlene Cuddy: Maybe I've got a medical thing. Maybe I just think I'm talking, but no one can hear me, not just my uncaring daughter.
Arlene Cuddy: House.
Dr. Gregory House: Ex-not-mom-in-law.
Dr. Gregory House: After you said pretty please with sugar on top? Problem is we only give store credit, so I say we put your old, cracked poisonous hip back in. Here and now. I saved your life. Happy to un-save it.
Dr. Chris Taub: Read the studies. The fewer partners you have, the happier you are with your ultimate partner.
Dr. Eric Foreman: Hmm. Then you're gonna be miserable.
Dr. Gregory House: I'm happier without her. I'm not stupidly expecting her to make me happy. I'm happier with my unhappiness. (Pops Vicodin.)
Dr. Eric Foreman: You want to grow more and bigger cancers?
Dr. Gregory House: We can't figure out what three small ones have in common, maybe can figure out what eight big ones have in common?
Dr. Remy Hadley: He dumped me after I hooked up with his sister.
Dr. Gregory House: Would you mind letting him down gently? I might have made promises you can't keep.
Dr. Chris Taub: She turned down a proposal. How long a game you think she's playing?
Dr. Remy Hadley: I think if she said yes after 14 hours, even he'd be suspicious.
Dr. Chris Taub: You're lucky you're hot and smart, because — well, you're just lucky you're hot and smart.
Dr. Gregory House: Forget yoga. Embrace Zen. You're a repressed idiot. He's a horny idiot. Neither one of you can do anything about it. Pretty sure that's Zen.
Dr. Gregory House: I had good reasons.
Dr. James Wilson: You had lame rationalizations.
Dr. Gregory House: I'm sorry. That we saved your life. (A beat.) In the way that we did.
Dr. James Wilson: B-plus.
Dr. Gregory House: I know. Told my seconds to tell her seconds that she gets no second chance. Well, technically, it's a third chance, but I don't have thirds.
Dr. James Wilson: You didn't start it, but you had the chance to end it, and you didn't. You love her, House, and it's human to hang on, but you're blowing up not just your job but any chance of any kind of relationship with her again.
Dr. Chris Taub: His long lost love is a fraud. Thirteen figured that out.
Dr. Gregory House: Good for her.
Dr. Chris Taub: Decades of menial work, three cancers couldn't make him die miserable. She just did.
Dr. Remy Hadley: The truth made him miserable.
Dr. Gregory House: It's like there's two of me.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: You have to be destructive. You have to tear things apart. God forbid you should say what's really on that twisted mind of yours?
Arlene Cuddy: And you're the great peacemaker? Single mom, can't keep a man long enough to cook a meal.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: You'd be dead if it weren't for our mistreatment. And somehow you'd still find something to whine about.
Arlene Cuddy: Look at you idiots. Who else is gonna put up with either of you?
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: I asked you to move in. That meant we weren't gonna reconcile. I'm sorry, mom. Some things take more than a common enemy.
Arlene Cuddy: Then you're an idiot with impossible standards.
Dr. Gregory House: Common enemy. One way to trigger brain symptoms when there's nothing wrong with your brain have something else turn your brain into a common enemy. You have a teratoma, a usually harmless congenital growth which can be filled with almost any kind of tissue. And, unusually, not at all harmless. If I'm right, yours is filled with primitive cells, some of which developed into brain cells. These foreign cells leaked into your bloodstream. Now, the body is a little xenophobic. It creates antibodies. The problem is, there's not much difference between brain cells in your abdomen and brain cells in your brain. To make matters worse, primitive cells can become almost anything. Grow like weeds. Which means they can turn into tumors, destroy whole organ systems.
Dr. Gregory House: Cut out the teratoma, what's left of your cancer, you should be fine. Think of it as your second luckiest day.
Dr. Gregory House: No, actually a fraud was a fraud. You fell for her just the same. You may stay miserable, but your long lost love is not gonna be the reason why.
Dr. Remy Hadley: It's the real Jennifer. Or at least the only one to show up who actually has the birthmark. He's renting her an apartment.
Dr. Gregory House: It'll end horribly.
Dr. Remy Hadley: Not for him. She may take all his money, and he may be a naive idiot, but… he'll always be hopeful, so he'll always be happy.
Dr. Gregory House: You lost your mother. You euthanized your brother. You got the life expectancy of a pretty good sitcom. If you can convince yourself that you'd be miserable no matter what even without all that stuff, then maybe you don't have to hate the universe for dumping a giant turd on you. Fatalism is your survival mechanism.
Dr. Remy Hadley: And you? Dumped by everyone you've ever loved. Rehab was a bust. Your leg feels like somebody took a giant bite out of it. We are who we are. Lotteries are stupid.
My Lego Minifigures Series 4 Greeters
Just got surprised by a bunch of lego minifigures! They gave me a slice of fudge cake and a java chip frap! :))

So we have (from left to right, outside plate then on-plate) Kimono Girl, Punk Rocker, Werewolf, Artist, Ice Skater, Soccer Player, Street Skater, Lawn Gnome, The Monster, Hockey Player and Sailor. :)
- via BlogPress in iPhone
So we have (from left to right, outside plate then on-plate) Kimono Girl, Punk Rocker, Werewolf, Artist, Ice Skater, Soccer Player, Street Skater, Lawn Gnome, The Monster, Hockey Player and Sailor. :)
- via BlogPress in iPhone
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
Monday, May 02, 2011
Obama says Osama's dead; Who's Next?
Biggest news of the day: President Obama announced that the Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is finally killed. The 10-year manhunt ended with a CIA-led operation in Pakistan taking out the Al Qaeda leader who masterminded the 9/11 attacks a decade ago.
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